

Tuesday. It means, the last class was self-study. Jevelene sat in a corner of the class while all other demigods interacted with each other. Ariel sat with Dimitri and his star spirit, Feliks laughing and cracking jokes. Cyzarine and Foma sat on his other side.

/"Jevelene!/" Ariel shouted, /"Come join us!/"

/"I'm studying,/" She explained.

/"Who studies during self study?/" He got up but Cyzarine held his hand, /"Let her be. She seems to be enjoying herself,/"

/"But I'm not,/" He pushed her hand.

/"What do you mean?/" Cyzarine asked.

/"Your ass is boring/" He stuck out his tongue, /"Go rub it on your demigod's face,/"

Ariel walked towards Jevelene.

/"He's rude. I told you,/" Dimitri said.

Cyzarine smiled, /"That's what makes him so attractive,/" She looked at him sit beside Jevelene against her will, /"Is he rude to her too?/"