

Jevelene stood in the cold, staring at the fog covered at the end of the street, where everything seemed to disappear in pure white. She felt a snowflake on her nose and looked up. It was snowing. She looked at the grey sky and the heavenly white snow, slowly making its way to the earth, slowly piling up on the streets. The streetlights shone golden.

'Through all the deep waters, you have to smile your way,' She heard her father's words.

/"What if those waters freeze and I'm trapped inside inside ice?

What if there is winter living inside my bones

And when life becomes too heavy

I can hear my glaciers groan,/" She said inside her head.

/"Jevelene,/" Ariel said and she looked at him. Under the golden streetlight, his brown hair shone and so did his golden skin. His cheeks were red from the cold. The ice along his lashes reflected back all the light. If some mortal looked at him, they would start believing in magic.