

As days passed by, the vitiligo slowly got bigger in size and covered one part of Xian's arm. It now began moving towards his back and the pain inside it increased. He would talk about the pain to Wujin but he would shut him up by saying that's how vitiligos develop. One day, the realm gate of the demon realm broke up and a huge demon came out of it. It was moving towards the gatekeeper castle. Wujin and Xian ran out of the castle. Wujin scratched Xian's other shoulder, which hadn't developed vitiligo and blood flowed out of it.

/"Xian Si, protect your master! Follow this order from your lord demigod himself!/" Wujin shouted and the red threads wrapped around his wrist. The pact was formed. He raised his arms, /"Magixiya dvoynoy, Orfografii vtroy Vyzov forma tri!/"