

Meeting Ariel was a shelter from the rain of loneliness, it was a soothing rescue from the pains she didn't know existed in her dried wounds.

However, Ariel seemed rich. He wore a white silk, frilly, shirt and brown leather trousers with black leather boots and a red feather hat over his head. The corners of his cat green eyes were decorated with tiny gem stones and his shirt buttons were made of pure pearls. He had a pretty face, not handsome like a man, but pretty like a young girl. He was young like Jevelene, most probably fourteen, had just hit puberty.

He had tiny blonde hair on his face and dark brown hair falling on his forehead.

/"Ariel? What an ass name, woman,/" He crossed his arms. His accent was not that of a native Italian.

She giggled, /"But it's so pretty! Ariel!/"

/"Goddammit. What a boring name,/"

/"Oh, then...Poppy? Fleur?/"

/"I guess Ariel is better,/"

She laughed, /"Certainly,/"