

/"Ariel's powers,/" She lay on her bed inside her dormitory room. Anton was out for the night, with his computer on. He was talking to some online friends just before he left. She was alone and it was quiet. She tried to remember all the times she saw Ariel use his sila. She remembered the first time they met, he made bread out of water. Atomic manipulation, that's what he called his sila. He could control all elements around him.

/"Wait-Didn't that mean that he could even control human bodies since even our body is made of elements? Wow...The more I think about it,/" She pictured Ariel's face in her head, /"The stronger and scarier he looks. One-click and he could turn the oceans to dust and turn mud to clear water. He could feed the entire starving population of the world and recreate deserts into fertile riverine plains? He could manipulate the particles of air and make something out of the air!