Somewhere high above the Earth's atmosphere, a momentous event loomed on the horizon. The much feared and highly anticipated arrival of the asteriod commonly known as Apocalypse2 was about to happen. Against the backdrop of the vast, starry expanse, with fragments of cosmos dust and drifting debris, an ominous presence drew closer, closer and closer to Earth with each passing second until it was finally upon us.

The colossal and rugged asteriod measuring eleven miles in diameter breached the Earth's upper atmosphere at precisely around 11:21 GMT. As it embarked on its harrowing descent, it ignited a spectacular blaze, an act of defiance in the face of the Earth's unwelcoming atmosphere. At every step of its descent, the asteriod paid a steep toll. The unrelenting forces of the atmosphere devoured chunks of its massive frame, subjecting it to a punishing, relentless, and brutal trial by fire. However, this foreign invader was too immense, too indomitable, to be entirely consumed by the atmosphere's unyielding friction.

Consider the journey this celestial wanderer had undertaken: Billions of miles traversed through the asteriod belt, surviving countless collisions with other asteroids in the belt. It had even defied Mars' gravitational clutches to forge a path to Earth all the while persevering through the harsh radiation of the cosmos. Surely, it had not ventured through the depth of space, overcoming all these formidable challenges, only to falter at the threshold of Earth's protective embrace. 

If nothing was done, it was bound to touch down when it was almost intact.

At approximately 11:24 GMT, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded as several fiery streaks blazed across the sky. These fiery streaks symbolized the launch of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM). They were synchronized to travel at Hypersonic speeds of Mach 12.1. The ICBM missiles carried powerful nuclear warheads and also included a sophisticated precision guidance system to track the asteriod.

The missiles were originating from four distinct corners of the globe – America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, they erupted into the heavens at an incredible speed of Mach 12.1. Their ascent from the surface carried with them the collective hope of the World Government and the entire human race.

 This momentous event had long been anticipated and planned for, and so there was a wide and diverse audience as it was being broadcast live across chosen internet channels and satellite television stations across the globe. These channels and satellite television stations had secured elusive broadcasting rights to this pivotal, almost apocalyptic moment in the annals of humanity. 

It was funny and yet the sad reality, that even at the precipice of imminent annihilation. Humanity was still focused on making money and profits out of this situation.

On a normal day, the spectacle of these fiery missiles taking flight, cruising towards the foreign invader could have been nothing short of mesmerizing, and captivating to the billions of viewers around the world. Instead, fear was etched on the faces of many (civilians, heads of state, generals, and scientists), they all had a unifying belief that the fate of humanity hung in the balance. They sat on the edge of their seats, hearts pulsating with deep fear, some held loved ones with trembling hands while watching this scene unfold in their respective underground shelters.

A vast constellation of satellites positioned in Earth's orbit, along with the ever-watchful cameras abroad the three space stations such as the International Space Station (ISS), Chinese Tiangong (Sky Palace), and the European Space Station. They played a crucial role in documenting and relaying the images of this extraordinary event. The billions of earthlings glued to their screens watched in awe, their eyes fixed on the screen as if they were deer caught in the blinding headlights of a speeding car on a dark night. 

A spark of optimism started igniting within the minds of viewers worldwide as they witnessed the spectacular ascent of the fiery Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Within a short while, they had ascended to the required height. They then started navigating themselves towards the colossal, menacing intruder known as "Apocalyspe2". With the target set, computer-generated lines appeared on the screens showing the trajectory of the missiles and the time left to impact. Anxiously, people from various corners of the world (within shelters and those outside) watched with bated breath, united in anticipation as the missiles embarked on their final journey which carried the hopes of humanity.

To those who chose to bear witness to this pivotal event, the tension and anxiety were palpable. The weight of the moment was almost unbearable. Some, unable to endure the nerve-wracking suspense, averted their gaze from the screens. A few even made the agonizing decision to turn off their devices entirely, seeking solace in the temporary refugee of darkness. However, the majority remained steadfast, their eyes glued on the screen, not wishing to miss even a second of the unfolding events as this was history in the making.

It had dawned on most of humanity that there was no escaping of the harsh reality they found themselves in. The impending asteriod strike left no room for retreat or concealment. The only path forward was to confront the inevitable head-on and to place their faith in the intricate plans that had been meticulously set in motion, carefully crafted in the hopes of yielding a positive outcome. The collective fate of humankind hung in the balance, and in the face of this impending catastrophe, they were bound by a shared resolve to endure, adapt, and hope.

Time to impact was shown on the screen:

Two minutes and zero seconds left…

One minute and fifty-nine seconds left…

One minute and fifty-eight seconds left…

One minute and fifty-seven seconds left…

One minute and twenty seconds left …

One minute and nine seconds left …

One minute and two seconds left …

The world collectively held its breath as the time continued counting down to the designated impact time. Never had two minutes seemed so long. They watched the ICBM missiles representing humanity's last hope. Each fiery streak heading towards the asteriod carried the determination and hope of humanity.

Fifty-nine seconds left…

Fifty-six seconds left…

Fifty-two seconds left…

With each second that decreased on the timer, the world of men watched with pounding hearts, sweaty palms, shivering hands, and minds gripped by anxiety. They hoped nothing went wrong and that there were no human errors made in the design of the missiles.

The majority of the people in their shelters started praying for the ICBMs to successfully detonate and obliterate the asteriod which had put humanity on tenterhooks for so long. Even those who did not believe in any divine being started asking for deliverance from any supernatural entity that was willing to answer their prayers. 

Logic was not enough; they also needed a miracle.

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