Erina's Crisis-Second Half

Erina, weakened and in agony, could not evade the relentless pursuit of the lower-ranked demon. With her right leg impaled by the demonic creature's iron spine, she stumbled and fell to the ground. The demon, sensing victory, closed in swiftly.

As Erina attempted to crawl away, the demon seized her by the shoulders with its clawed hands. Its grip was firm, and she winced in pain. The creature, growling with satisfaction, hoisted her off the ground, dragging her back toward the waiting Homer.

Erina resisted as much as she could, her struggle evident in the dirt-streaked and bloodied path she left behind. Despite her defiance, the demon's strength prevailed, and she was brought back to face the demonized figure of her former colleague. 

Homer, a twisted semblance of his former self, grinned maliciously as Erina was brought before him, a captive in the infernal grasp of the demonic creature.