Rescue Operation-Final

Genzai's heart hammered against his ribs as he whirled around, his eyes meeting Momotaro's in the blood-soaked hallway. The youthful warrior's gaze, once calm, now held a chilling menace, his eyes narrowed like a predator sizing up its prey.

Fear, cold and clammy, snaked down Genzai's spine despite the illusory warmth of the cursed blade in his hand.

He backed away step by step, the hall stretching into a macabre tableau of fallen soldiers. Each corpse seemed to accuse him with their wide, sightless eyes. His broken arm throbbed, a constant reminder of his own inadequacy.

A misplaced step sent him sprawling onto the cold stone, landing beside another soldier, his lifeless eyes staring accusingly. Genzai kicked out, a primal scream tearing from his throat, "Fuck! Don't you dare look at me!"