Time Almost Up

[My name? It's Tian Xingyun… Now, will you tell those sects of yours to come after me? If so, you're welcome. I'll be waiting. I haven't killed your likes for a long time.] Tian Xingyun projects her voice with a smirk.

Hearing the name, the Ancestor's heart nearly stopped. He's not as ignorant as those snot-nose brat young masters who don't know the immensity of heaven and earth.

This is the Maiden Name of the Empress of the West, who ruled with an iron fist during her reign. She's the only reason the Immortal Realm has order and didn't descend to chaos. Anyone who didn't follow the rules had their sect personally annihilated by her!

This woman! He is the true ruler of the Immortal Realm, who usually rules in place of the no-show Heavenly Emperor. To the point that someone thinks that she just faked the identity of the Heavenly Emperor to shoo away some annoying fly who wants to woo her.