One Night Millions Massacre - 02

At this time, the water suddenly darkened, casting a colossal shadow as large as the largest aircraft carrier in the middle of the convoy. The shadow in the water passed under the convoy. Still, only a few noticed it, all attributing it to seeing things and not taking them seriously.

The shadow vanished under the deep water as if it were never there. People attribute it to some kind of whale or a large shark, or maybe their eyes were playing tricks on them.

"Hey… Timmy, did you see that?" Timmy's soldier friend asked as he pointed at the last place the shadow was last seen by him.

"See what?" Timmy asks, confused.

"The shadow? The large shadow underwater. It just passed by, didn't you see?" His friend pointed at the water, urging Timmy, who ignored the shadow, to pay attention.

Timmy was looking at where his friend was pointing, but he didn't see anything since the shadow had already vanished.