
— ??? —

Under the shade of the leaves above the moonlit ground, two silhouettes rush through the forest.

The first silhouette is cloaked in a long robe, with dark energy emanating from its body. The second silhouette is graceful, wielding a sword that emits a sacred light, relentlessly pursuing the first.

"Where do you think you're going, cursed creature?" the pursuer shouts at the first silhouette. Her graceful features are adorned with white armor.

At that moment, the robed black silhouette speeds up and leaps into the sky, beginning to fly. The graceful silhouette follows suit, her six wings materializing from sacred energy as she accelerates toward the escaping figure.

She is none other than Mechaela, the Archangel. She has been tasked by Envy to hunt down the fugitive.