Mausoleum of Heartache

Wei Liuxian was watching everyone around him when Shuhui, the Jiang's servant came and whispered near his ear, 

"Young master, Madam Wang Yuling wishes to speak with you."

Wei Liuxian followed Shuhui and went inside the hall. He lifted his head and looked at the stairs where she was standing. 

Wang Yuling had spared no effort in ensuring that this day would be remembered not just for her son's happiness but also for her impeccable style. She had chosen an exquisite hanfu for the occasion, crafted from the finest silk in shades of deep crimson and gold. 

Her hair was a masterpiece in itself. Her long, glossy black tresses had been intricately woven into an elegant updo, adorned with pins and ornaments of jade and pearls. Her forehead was graced with a delicate golden headdress. Strands of pearls dangled gracefully from her ears.