Division and Union

There is a lot of thoughts in his mind right now but the most important thought that is swirling right now is that he fears Aeryon would fear him and not trust him because he had calculated him into the strategy.

All of this thought plays in his mind. And because of that he did not dare to raise his head right now.

He knows Aeryon knew now his intention of proposing such plans.

He calculated the possible action of Aeryon in his plans and then proposed a plan that Aeryon would readily and happily accept.

But such act could also make the ruler, the superior feel angry. No one likes the feeling of being calculated by others

If not he would not say those words

It is precisely because he understand Aeryon words, Mayeux did not dare accept that compliment

Aeryon is satisfied with Mayeux tactics.

This young man even put him into the calculation.

Why does he say that? It is because the stable way is for him not to attack and instead cultivate an image of peaceful or steady.