Vision for the Future

In the Southern Great Steppe, Aeryon tribe has become a sanctuary for those who had been cast aside by their tribes. 

Aeryon needed people and they needed someone to protect them

It is a win-win situation 

Refugees from other tribes, vagabonds, and even outlaws sought shelter within the tribe's boundaries. 

Outlaws in the Great Steppe is not always dangerous men

Aeryon understood that not all outlaws were inherently dangerous or irredeemable. In fact, he discovered that some had been unjustly persecuted for the most trivial of reasons.

The Chief are like kings in their tribe

The head of a lone clan sought refuge with Aeryon tribe after being falsely accused of stealing sheep by their former chief. 

Outraged, the chief's reaction was swift and brutal—he intended to wipe out the entire clan. 

Realizing the futility of resisting, the clan had no choice but to flee, becoming hunted outcasts.