Warriors of Wustkazan

Lughan felt like there is nothing he could do to win.

Whether this is because of the aura that Belarion himself is emanating or because of his own self-assessment, for the first time, in a long time, he finally felt fear.

Lughan look at Belarion and he could not help but frowned.

"It is really different than I thought!" Many warriors of Wustkazan had long heard about the prowess of Belarion.

But every warrior has the feeling that they are the best.

Unless they fight one on one, and experience for themselves how strong a warrior is, it is hard to convince them

There is no number one in literature, but no number two in martial arts.

But now facing with this monster himself, only then he is convinced

He chopped down with his sword with all of his strength.

But one slash by Belarion make hm recoil backward.

Those who do not know Lughan does not understand how terrifying this is.