The dust settles down to the ground, the horses stop neighing and the warriors behind him all control their horses so that it would run in front of their lord.
The Kan has returned!
Aeryon look at the sky and he takes a deep breath.
He closes his eyes and breathe the morning air.
Opening it, he sees the expanse of the Steppe and could not help but smile
"It is beautiful every time" Aeryon has been in this world for about a year.
He has climatized himself and he has familiarize himself with the culture and ways of this world.
And while some things has become familiar and no longer so novel for him, the sight of the expanse of the Steppe just after dawn is still as beautiful and as enchanting as ever.
Sometimes, he wonder whether this feeling is his feeling or the feeling of the original Aeryon.
He believes it is the feeling of them both.
They know