Did we know each other?

Pei Xingcheng's voice echoed through the eerie silence of the room. "No, no, no, I am not going. I am not going. I am not going," he hollered for the nth time, his voice filled with stubbornness and fear. His eyes were fixed on Miss Ghost, determined not to leave and agree with her stupid idea. 

Seeing his stubborn nature, Miss Ghost sighed slowly and floated close to him. "But, Xingcheng -" 

"No, Miss Ghost, you can ask me for anything except this," he insisted, his voice quivering with terror. "You know that the ghost wants to kill me. You know how scared I am of her, and now you want me to go and step into her lair." 

"Are you crazy? Or do you think I am?" he questioned her. 

Miss Ghost took a deep breath. "Xingcheng, nobody's crazy." 

"Then why do we have to go to the attic?" he interrupted her. 

"You know why, I told you," she tried to reason with him.

"No, I am not going anywhere," he refused sternly.