Anniversary - III

When Tang Zhixi heard Pei Xingcheng's words, a smile cracked on her lips. "Seriously, Xingcheng? Is that the best things you can come up with? A group of raccoons?" 

Pei Xingcheng smiled sheepishly. "Baby, please forgive me. Don't be so cruel to your man." 

"My heart is just that cruel," she sneered. 

When he saw that nothing was working on her, he furrowed his brows. He looked down, trying to come up with another idea. Suddenly, he had a thought. ", I think I'm about to slip. Baby, what if I fall from this height and get injured? Would you feel good to see a broken me?"

"Please let me inside," he begged. "I promise if you want to beat me. I won't stop. If you want to punish me, I will let you. If you want to hit me, I will bear it all, but please just stop being angry at me."