Where do you think you are going, mister?

Shaking off the weird feeling in his heart, Pei Xingcheng focused his attention back on the current situation. He stared at the wall in front of him and frowned with worry.

Mis Ghost said that there was a door here, but he couldn't see anything. He felt helpless, not knowing how he could assist her in opening the door if he couldn't even see it. He turned to face her. "Miss Ghost, what should we do now?"

Tang Zhixi frowned for a second. She looked at him skeptically and asked again, "You really don't see this door?"

Pei Xingcheng shook his head, confirming that he indeed could not see the door.

Tang Zhixi was disappointed and troubled. She simply thought that bringing Pei Xingcheng here and asking him to open this door would solve many of her problems. Clearly, that was not the case.