Saying sorry

The female ghost narrowed her eyes at Pei Xingcheng, and after a moment, she spoke. "I will open the door for you, but on one condition."

A condition?

What does this female ghost want from him? Wait, does she want to do something indecent to him?!

At the mere thought of this, Pei Xingcheng's body trembled. The intense gaze of the female ghost sent shivers down his spine. His complexion turned pale, and he stepped back in fear, clutching his chest. "No! I won't let you do anything indecent to me!"

The female ghost: "...."

Suddenly, Pei Xingcheng felt a smack on his head and cried out. "Ouch!" he exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head. He looked back, but there was nothing there except a closed door. 

Miss Ghost became concerned upon seeing this. "Xingcheng, what's wrong?"

"Someone smacked me," he grumbled, still massaging the back of his head.