Being followed

Pei Xingcheng's eyes lit up with amusement as he observed Tang Zhixi's brow furrow in deep contemplation. His lighthearted teasing had clearly resonated with her, which was evident from the way her expression changed each second, which delighted him. 

"What's wrong, Miss Ghost?" he asked with feigned innocence, thoroughly enjoying the playful exchange.

Tang Zhixi shook her head, chastising herself for overanalyzing every trivial detail. "Nothing," she replied, dismissing the lingering sensation on her finger. She offered him the sandwich again, and as he took a bite, he glanced at her face and deliberately grazed his teeth against her finger, then ran his tongue along it in a deliberate, sensual movement.

"Ah!" Tang Zhixi gasped, withdrawing her hand in startled shock, her face flushing crimson. A shiver ran down her spine, the sensation of the touch of his tongue still tingling on her skin.

This time, she understood his actions were intentional.