Purpose of visit

The old man's eyes widened in confusion. "Superstar?"

He looked at Pei Xingcheng, his expression now filled with a mix of wonder and suspicion. His weathered face, creased with age and hardship, remained unreadable. The little girl's eyes sparked as she whispered, "Yes, Grandpa, he's that handsome superstar! He's on the television all the time!"

Hearing the little girl's words, Pei Xingcheng felt sweet. This was his first time being acknowledged by a little girl. It was a pleasant experience. He stood up and bowed to the old man. "Mr. Hei, it is an honor to meet you."

The old man narrowed his eyes as he stared at the handsome man before him. Finally, a flicker of recognition crossed his features, and he nodded slowly. "Oh, oh, so you are that famous superstar. Okay, okay. Young man, how is your health?"

Pei Xingcheng was slightly startled, as he didn't expect such a question. He smiled politely and assured the elderly man that he was doing well.