"Dream: Retrace"
[This novel is made just for fun reading purposes, cause I'm not funny]
[Not every chapter will have the same storyline or character]
(The stories of two begins at a school)
(Alia Ellison had a looks of gorgeous and a pretty face but the she hang out with her gal friends, though she's interested in someone value, if she saw a handsome and rich guys she would try to get close to them while also getting their information to make the rich and handsome guys like her but these guys obviously isn't really interested in her but trying to pretend his nice and gave her contact information and such)
(After a class is finished)
(Alia Ellison take her seat and place it near her gal friends class table, the other two friends of her gal friends also take their seat and sit near the class table than they start to talk with each other loudly and laughing without a care for the people at class but Allia Ellison started to look around and landed her gaze on a quiet male student for a few second then she turn her head back to her gal friends)
Alia Ellison: Hey, you guys see that quiet guy over there?
(Alia Ellison point her finger towards the quiet male student sitting at the window side corner table)
Alia Ellison: The one who lost the most at rock, paper, scissors go ask for his contact information
One of the gals: What why- ohh your gonna make him think he was liked but it was not like that pff- ahahah
(Than they started to play rock, paper, scissors but Alia Ellison lost the most)
Alia Ellison: (Ugh I'm the one who suggested this but end up being the one who's doing it, I'm just gonna ask for his contact information and just get back to my seat)
(Alia Ellison gets up from her seats and walk towards the quiet student)
Alia Ellison: (Uhh what's his name...?)
(As Alia Ellison walk closer and closer towards the quiet toward, he noticed and was feeling confused but kinda understand why)
(Alia Ellison standing just beside the quiet student, she peek at his book and saw his name " Vincent Zackal ")
Alia Ellison: V- Vi- Vincent gimme your contact information
(Augh I stammered my friend gonna laugh at me, ugh it was embarrassing)
(Alia Ellison friend laugh at her while watching it like they were watching a movie)
Vincent Zackal: (Hmm I guess I could get a gist of it, they probably dare the people that lost to do it and I'm a... nobody, somebody suddenly came and ask for my contact information, that's abnormal but her friends were laughing at her, I guess I'll go along with it...)
Vincent Zackal: Uh oh sure
(Vincent Zackal took out a note from his backpack then rip a page and write down his phone number and also his chatting app account information and after writing it down, he hand it over to Alia Ellison)
(Alia Ellison take it and quickly went back to her seats but she accidentally hit her toe on table leg)
Alia Ellison: Ow ow oww!
(Her friend laugh at Alia Ellison even louder)
(Alia Ellison scream in pain for a short moment and stumbled her way back to her seats)
Alia Ellison Friend: Are you thattt nervous? Goshh that was so funny
Vincent Zackal: (She... looked quite adorable when I saw that she was clusmy...)
(After school bell rang, the school students started to went back to their home)
(Alia Ellison got back to her room after 15 minute of walking back home, she finally arrived at her home but she doesn't seems to be happy to get back home, she take a deep breath and open main entrace door, she saw her father sitting on the sofa reading newspaper and her mother watching television)
(Alia Ellison take off her shoes and place it on shoe racks then she immediately walk up the stairs to the second floor, she take a turn to right side and walk towards her room door, she open it and close the door quietly and slowly)
(Alia Ellison takes a deep breath then lay on her bed, she unzip her bag and reach her hand to her bag while laying on bed and take out her smartphone, she stares at her phone for a while then she took out the note with Vincent Zackal contact information written on it, she stare at the note for a bit then suddenly sit up and rip the note but suddenly stopped)
(After re-considering, she added Vincent Zackal in the chatting app and add his phone number in her contacts)
(Alia Ellison hesitantly thinking if she should sent a message to Vincent Zackal or not, her finger stop at above the keyboard of her smartphone, at her second thought she decided to send a message)
[Alia: Hi]
(5 Second later)
[Vincent: Hi]
(Alia Ellison look at it and felt relieved for unknown reason, she was suprised of how quick the response I sent cause almost all the people she texted took minute up to hours or days to reply but she only looked message and went to binge watching shorts video)
(Vincent Zackal still looking at the message but it only stay at seen and no more reply, he put down his phone and continue studying)
(After Alia Ellison binge watching shorts video for almost 30 minute, her mother yell coldly " dinner's ready ")
(Alia Ellison get up from her bed then walk down the stairs and walk towards dining room, she pull out a chair and pull it further away from her parents then she sat down on the chair)
(Nobody says anything, it was awkwardly silence but Alia Ellison doesn't want to say anything to her parents, her parents also doesn't want to say anything as well, they just ate the food quietly not staring at anyone eyes)
(After dinner Alia Ellison wash the plate she used and walk back to her own room)
(It was night time now and Alia Ellison were laying at her phone staring at her smartphone)
Alia Ellison: (I wish I would be loved... I wanted a rich and handsome husband, I would be living a dream-like life without any worries and just enjoy the life, I should continue trying my best to make these rich and handsome guys to likes me, it would be like a dream and bliss if it happen!)
(Alia Ellison slowly closes her eyes uncontrollably as she felt the sleepiness overhelm her)
(Is tomorrow morning, Alia Ellison get up from bed, she undress her pajamas and wear hers school uniform and socks, she take and hang her bag at her right shoulder then gone down the stairs, she bent down and take out her shoes from shoe rack and wear her shoes then head out and walk to school)
(1 Year later, Alia Ellison rarely contact Vincent Zackal but they still have contact each other sometimes, Alia Ellison can't deny that she actually had a little bit of feelings towards Vincent Zackal because he always reply within couple of second, she had messaged people but there were never really anyone replying that quick every single time to her, despite all these Alia Ellison still wanted a rich and handsome guy, she been trying to squeeze herself in these guys friendzone and kept trying to make the guys like her but at behind of her, people said that she's a annoying bitch, alot of girls think of her badly and these rich and handsome guys thinks she is really annoying and was being like a simp)
(Vincent Zackal sees it all and heard it all, Alia Ellison and Vincent Zackal aren't even friend but still he can't bare all these people saying bad things of her and so he tried to at least defend Alia Ellison at internet since his weak and timid in real life, he hate the timid self but can't do anything and he couldn't stand it and so this is all he can do now. He know she isn't that bad to root or she wouldn't even care a bit about Vincent Zackal and won't even bother to chat with him, if she is bad she would already said something to perfunctory and being cold but she didn't)
(Vincent Zackal didn't notice it but his attention always stays on Alia Ellison but he know she wouldn't like him but despite all that, he secretly hide his feelings for Alia Ellison deep inside of him, though he still would always support Alia Ellison and always be there for her, he don't know even know why his being like this and doing something that he would never get noticed and any better treatment but only wasting his time but still he just can't help himself, his was alone for the rest of his life until Alia Ellison, though they met because she lost a game bet but because of Alia Ellison he isn't that lonely anymore, he felt a fire inside of him lit and that was an anticipation for the future)
(In a year Alia Ellison has dated couple of rich, handsome guy but either she was cheated, abandoned after months together or they got annoyed or they just got bothered so much by Alia Ellison that they pretend to go out with her and break up in public or somewhere else and humiliate her in public saying Alia Ellison was a bitch, slut and a gold digger, there were a few guy that did break up and humiliate her in public, they say she's a bitch and slut because of her finding another guy after breaking up and contacting another guy while she was in relationship and people said she was a gold digger she only wanted to date the guys that were rich which it made her intention obvious enough)
Vincent Zackal: (..... I had no idea why is she doing this, is this really the person she is?)
Vincent Zackal: (No, I've been observing her... she doesn't seems to be like that kind of person and she still had my contact for a year now and whenever we chat with each other she was like a girl that were passionate and nice, I know there's person with social-path. Some people do put on a fake version of their self to everyone, when people think they know about them, they doesn't know even if is just a little bit of the true colors of the people but she doesn't has to act passionated and nice to me whenever were chatting for a whole year, though she did said she hope we should just act like we don't know each other and don't talk with each other in the class... I don't get what she's thinking or what was her true intentions but from my perspective she doesn't seems to be a bad person.....)
(Vincent Zackal take a deep breath and breathe it out the air, he pat both sides of his face lightly and continue focusing on his study)
(6 Months later, after school)
(Alia Ellison has been through many break up and humiliation, no place for her to be at, either it was reality or internet, she started to get bullied at school and cyber-bully her at internet as well, three of her gal friends already stopped hanging out with Alia Ellison since she started to focus on rich and handsome guys)
(At Alia Ellison room)
(Alia Ellison curl at bed crying quietly possibly, her parents were affected by what it happens, students parents and teacher came and talk with her parents about it many times, her parents already disliked her for a while and now she make more troubles and problem for her parents, their can't endure it anymore and started to abuse her daughter whenever they feel like it or when they're in bad mood, her parents treat her coldly since she was small, her parents abuse her at before but it was noticed by some teacher and they talked with her parents ever since, her parents stopped abusing her since they don't want their company to be ruined because of it)
(Alia Ellison was currently in the darkest time of her life, she couldn't breathe and desperate, she was reaching her the limit of what she could handle all these abuse physically and mentally... until she remembered Vincent Zackal, with the last hope she hold onto, she checked Vincent Zackal message and she saw lots of worried and also supportive message sent by Vincent Zackal, her heart were warmed by the message sent by the only one that were worried for her, although it was only words but to her it means alot especially at her darkest time where she almost given up, she decided to be honest to Vincent Zackal)
[Alia Ellison: Thank you for always being there for me, I do have pay attentions to your doings for me sometimes. You were being nice, kind, friendly, supportive and alot more... you're a really good friend, I'm sorry that I'm distancing from you and acting like a stranger when were friends... actually I didn't really think of you as my friend at before, I'm sorry about that... as you heard the rumors and what people said about me... I'm just a really bad girl... but still I'm thankful that you sent me these messages, you were the only one that were supporting me and being there for me and so I'm glad that you have think of me]
[Vincent Zackal: I... I don't know how to comfort people or to help but I'll be here for you whenever you need me!]
[Vincent Zackal: And I'm glad my impression for you were great. Honestly to me I think you're friendly, passionate, quite nice and I think your the type of person that has a dream of the future your looking forward to and will work hard for it, I think your an amazing person but honestly I don't get what your doing all these for but I'll be here to support you whenever or when you decided]
(Vincent Zackal kept looking at the chats, Alia Ellison been typing for couple of minutes but it stopped for couple of seconds and she sent a text with just couple of words)
(Alia Ellison deleted long text about what happened to her life but she decided to just to keep it to herself for now, she don't want to make him worried of her and she don't want to drag him into the problem)
[Alia Ellison: Thank you... do you have time? If you do, could we spend more time together more often?]
(Vincent Zackal staring at his phone wondering what's the text she deleted was but he decided to don't mind and reply to Alia Ellison)
[Vincent Zackal: Yes, I do have time now but I have to study sometimes, though I could make time for you]
(Alia Ellison smiling look at the newest text Vincent Zackal just sent, she felt warm inside but reality pulls her back to the cold world, she's still in the house she think it was hell)
(She charge her phone, place it on top of bedside table then she turn off the lamp lights and went to sleep)
Alia Ellison: Goodnight Zackal.....
(Alia Ellison felt alot closer to Vincent Zackal and started to trust him only)
(Tomorrow at school Alia Ellison was bullied at class but nobody went to help her instead they were talking bad of her, the girl bullies grab Alia Ellison hair and pull it to force her to look at her, when Vincent Zackal saw what it happen he can't take it anymore, he stand up and walk to the bullies, he grab the bullies hand pulling Alia Ellison hair and grip)
(The bullies let go of Alia Ellison hair and yell in pain but staring at Vincent Zackal eye with a death stare, Alia Ellison were shocked looking at Vincent Zackal and suprised that he actually came to help but because of it she felt that she should appreciate Vincent Zackal more, she was really happy that he help her but really worried that he would get bullied too, she panicked thinking of that but don't know how to get him out of this, seeing what it happens two of the followers of the bullies yell at Vincent Zackal telling him to let go of his grip or his getting in a trouble but he didn't let go)
(Alia Ellison know he isn't a strong or tough person, she know his weak inside but still he stood out for her)
The bullies: Let go you hear!? I said let go of your grip!
(The bullies enduring the pain while getting more and more frustrated as the situation now make her looked weak in-front of her follower and it would make people think she's not that scary, the bullies had a little reputation at the school knowing as the woman to be feared)
(Alia Ellison saw Vincent Zackal leg were slightly shaking, she just knew that he were forcing himself)
(The bullies brutally swing her left arms down and it pulled Vincent Zackal towards her then she grip her right fist and punch him right on his right side of his face, he suddenly loss of balance and confusion of sudden attacks, he sees things blurry and the pain is keeping him awake realising it was all real, he fell to the left side and his chest brutally bump on the table then he fell on the ground, his hand grip on the right side of his chest, it shows how painful it was, things went so sudden the student nearby was scared and quickly get further away from their seats)
(The bully were still feeling frustrated, fueled by anger, she stare at Vincent Zackal from above like he should fear of her and be just a inferior, she walk up to Vincent Zackal and sit on top of him ready to rain down her fist to teach him a lesson but suddenly a chair slam right on the back of her head, she turn her head back and saw Alia Ellison holding a chair with a very angry looks then Alia Ellison suddenly yell " get the f*ck away from us! ")
(The bullies felt the back of her hair was watery, she touch the back of her hair and sees her hand was filled with blood, she felt the urge of fainting but she was too frustrated now, she shake awake herself and stumbly stood up on top of Vincent Zackal, the bullies grip her fist and swing her fist towards Alia Ellison but suddenly the bullies fell on the ground unconscious at the worst timing, some teacher just arrive at the class, the teacher ran to the classroom from their office as soon as some students told the teacher about the situation and now the teacher saw the scene realising the situation were worsen then what they thought, they told Alia Ellison to put down the chair with a cautious tone, worrying that she would suddenly attack someone again, Alia Ellison look at the bullies on the ground unconscious, she put down the chair and went to check on Vincent Zackal)
(A teacher went outside of the class and called for ambulance, after sometime two ambulance arrive on the scene, gently lifting the bullies from the teachers holding a cloth at the back of her head to stop the blood. Later on, the bullies and Vincent Zackal were taken to the hospital and their parents arrive worried of their child and started arguing to each other but the bullies family says bad things and bad words to Alia Ellison, the bullies family got the urge to teach them a lesson but there's many people watching them at the hospital and so they got no choice but to control themself)
(Alia Ellison sit beside the hospital bed of where Vincent Zackal were laying at)
(She look at Vincent Zackal with a worried look but gentle, Vincent Zackal parents saw a thing or two between them and they heard of what it happens from their classmate, Vincent Zackal parents were proud of their son, his parents know Vincent Zackal was a timid person but the fact that he would stand up against someone just for a girl means he had a really strong feelings for the girl, Alia Ellison noticed the feelings he had for her, she secretly make a promise to never leave Vincent Zackal and to help him whenever he needs it)
(Vincent Zackal parents driven Alia Ellison back home, although she don't want to return to the house that she think it was like hell but for some reason she got the courage to went back to her house after all these troubles she made, her parents would definitely be so mad at her and doesn't listen or care about the reason or about what happen, before twisting the door handle a glimpse of Vincent Zackal face appear in her mind and she smile for warmly for couple of seconds and open the door)
(Alia Ellison didn't go to school because of her body filled with bruises and scars)
(The school principal decided to let Alia Ellison stay and study for two more years at school while the bully didn't get any punishment... reality is often disappointing)
(While at her room, she heard her parents discussing about kicking her out of the house when she's 18 years old)
(When Alia Ellison heard what her parents said, she felt like the entire world has crumbled down, she lean against the wall and slide down the wall as she felt powerless)
(Alia Ellison, a girl that would persistently work hard towards her dream, a dream of living a life without any worries and no need to work or to do anything, she wanted to live the life of how her imagination is, being loved, no worries, could buy whatever she want, could eat whatever she wanted but real life is always too cruel, her dreams fall apart as real life keep destroying her sweet little world of imagination for the future, finally she cried but silently)
(After crying silently for quite a while, she look at her celling of her dark room yet filled with moonlight, she laugh at her life and the world)
(Suddenly a thought's of suiciding appear at her mind)
(After couple of minute she stood up and walk slowly towards to her table, there's a cutter knife on the table)
(As she was close to grab the cutter knife, her phone notification sound ring, after thinking for a few second, she decided to check her phone)
(She smiled when she saw the message sent by Vincent Zackal " Hey ")
(Alia Ellison reply to Vincent Zackal " Hey ")
(She's still smiling even after replying)
Alia Ellison: (Ha... right, how come I forgot him I'm such a terrible person...)
Alia Ellison: (Why I can't stop smiling whenever is about him...?)
(As she looked away from her smartphone, she just realised that she's going to do something stupid)
Alia Ellison: (Ha, what I'm doing..... Zackal, you're my last hope, my savior and... my crush, I wouldn't admit it before but now I admit that I have fallen for you and I do have feelings for you but I can't drag you down along with me but still I want you, I want you to love me, hold me, be with me and..... I don't deserve to have good things happen in my life but I just can't help it, I'm craving for your love)
(She smile affectionately)
[Vincent Zackal: Are you alright?]
(She hesitate and thinking if she should tell him the truth or not but she'll get kicked out of her parents house sooner or later so she decided to tell him the truth)
(Alia Ellison told Vincent Zackal the truth about her family and that she's going to be kicked out of the house when she's 18 years old)
[Vincent Zackal: They are such a terrible parents! How come they do such things!?]
[Vincent Zackal: Well uhm, if you don't mind I could try to convince my parents to let you live in my house, though there isn't any spare room]
[Alia Ellison: Oh that's fine I don't mind, you're helping me and I'm really grateful for that]
[Vincent Zackal: Well then, wait for my good news!]
[Alia Ellison: Thanks alot by the way!]
(10 minute Later)
[Vincent Zackal: My parents allow it but they said there isn't spare room and so you might need to sleep in a room together with me...]
[Alia Ellison: Oh that was quick, I thought it might need to take a while to convince them, could you tell them that I said thanks to your parents?]
[Alia Ellison: Well I don't mind about that hehe]
[Vincent Zackal: Well they were so excited when I tell them about it and I will tell them you said thanks]
[Vincent Zackal: Please hang in there Alia, 6 more months]
[Alia Ellison: I will so don't worry too much, I only hope you will focus on your studies, my parents left the house and so now I'm going to take a bath, see you Zackal]
[Vincent Zackal: Got it, see you Alia]
(Alia Ellison put down her phone at the bedside table, she take out a new clothes and went to bathroom, while she was taking a bath she can't stop thinking of Vincent Zackal, she feels like there's a warm feeling in her stomach while the pain from wound isn't affecting Alia Ellison at all, she got used to the pain since before and so these pain is just a normal thing for her even if it hurts, she'll just endure it as she been enduring the pain since before)
Alia Ellison: Zackal... Zackal
(She breathes heavily as she says)
(After taking a bath, Alia Ellison came out from the bathroom feeling nice and great with a look of refreshed)
Alia Ellison: (Phew, it was a good bath)
(After, Alia Ellison return back to her room and lay on her bed but she couldn't sleep because of the feelings she's experiencing, it was new for her it was so sweet that she can't stop smiling and roll around on her bed)
(After a while, she finally gotten tired and close her eyes to sleep)
(6 Months later, Alia Ellison still have't went to school because of the constant abuse from her parents, her parents keep telling the teachers that their family had problem and so their daughter couldn't went to school the teacher tried to visit them but got rejected, the teacher could hear a thing or two about it, it obviously was perfunctory but they couldn't do anything about it)
(Despite all the physical, mental abuse and being cyber-bullied, she didn't gave up and staying positive)
(She been waiting and hoping that Vincent Zackal would really came to take her away from her house that were like hell to her)
(Alia Ellison and Vincent Zackal have been messaging each other very often for almost everyday, they usually just talk about their daily life, some random funny video and funny animals video they accidentally stumble across while surfing on internet)
(Alia Ellison watches the clock on the bedside table hit and stop at "12:00 AM")
(She feel anxious, worried but overall she is experiencing mixed emotions, she can't stay calm nor she could sit calmly and wait for what it gonna happen, she's feeling anxious of what if Vincent Zackal wouldn't help her or it was all just a lie)
Alia Ellison: (..... No, if it was a lie he wouldn't waste his time on me all these years, why I'm overthinking, anxious and worrying)
(She smile and shake her head)
Alia Ellison: (I'm sorry that I doubted and didn't trust you enough, there's no excuse that I did had the thought's and doubt but overall I'm nervous to meet his parents... well his parents were really nice to the people on their side I think? Hmm no need to overthink Alia Ellison! I just need to act like myself. The new me, not the old me! I will improve myself and become a better person for him... still I'll need to try and leave a good impression to Vincent Zackal parents-)
(Suddenly a loud bang sound of slamming door pulls her back to reality from her mind. Alia Ellison parents was just standing outside of the door frame, before Alia Ellison could say anything they suddenly yell at her telling Alia Ellison to pack her things and leave their house immediately and they throw her a luggage suitcase on the ground)
(Alia Ellison picks up the luggage suitcase and start to pack her things, her clothes, cosmetics, face-wash item, books, phone charger, wire and her phone)
Alia Ellison mother: Pack all your stuff! I don't want to see any of your stuff left in this room!
(After packing up all her item, she carry her luggage suitcase and left the house, the sound of door slamming close echo in Alia Ellison mind but she shake her head and grab out her phone from her pocket)
(It was snowing outside, freezing fog makes it hard to see)
(Alia Ellison sent a text to Vincent Zackal but the text isn't even read for couple of minute, slowly Alia Ellison felt like the world is really is crumbling, feeling helpless and abandoned)
(Suddenly a voice sounded familiar from afar gets clearer as the guy came closer and closer to her)
(As the biker gets closer she saw a familiar face, waving it's hand to her with a smile despite his face is all red because was the weather)
(When Alia Ellison saw it was Vincent Zackal, her mood suddenly changed to much happier, she can't stop the excitement feeling and so she run towards him with the luggage suitcase on her right hand)
(When Vincent Zackal gets closer to her, he stop the bike in-front of her, suddenly she hug him tightly with a happy smile, it was so sudden but Vincent Zackal also smile and hug her back)
Alia Ellison: I was so anxious, I thought you're abandoning me... I sent you a message but you haven't reply...
Vincent Zackal: Oh you did? But my phone haven't ring to notified me
(Vincent Zackal take out his phone from his zipped pocket and tried to turn on but it was still off, turns out it ran out of battery)
Vincent Zackal: Oh my phone died, that's why...
Alia Ellison: Sorry I misunderstood you...
(Vincent Zackal gently pat her head with a smile on his face)
Vincent Zackal: Is alright come on get on the bike, though you had to carry the luggage suitcase for a while though, tell me when you're tired we'll take a rest for a moment
(While Vincent Zackal was riding on the bike, Alia Ellison lean on the back of his with a smile on her face)
(40 Minutes later, they finally arrive at Vincent Zackal house)
(At outside of Vincent Zackal house)
Alia Ellison: My right hand is sore...
Vincent Zackal: Let me help you carry the luggage suitcase
(Vincent Zackal reach out his hand trying to help Alia Ellison carry her luggage suitcase but she rejected)
Alia Ellison: Is fine I could carry it and were at your home now, I don't wanna trouble you anymore
Vincent Zackal: Is okay I don't mind to help so ask me if you need me at anytime
(Suddenly he reach his hand to her head and swat away the snow and the snow at her shoulder, she blushes but also did the same to him than they both giggles. After, He grab out the door keys for his house main entrance door and unlock the door)
(The moment when the door was unlocked and the door handle was being twisted open, Alia Ellison felt nervous but kept gathering courage for herself)
(When the main entrance door was wide open, Alia Ellison saw Vincent Zackal parents standing not too far from the hallway with a welcoming smile and exciting expression)
Vincent Zackal Dad: My son finally brought a girl back home now ha ha ha, my son you better treat her good and nice she'll fall for you in no time ha ha ha!
Vincent Zackal Mom: Don't scare her away husband!
Vincent Mom: Don't just stand there you both, come in and take a sit
(Vincent Zackal whisper to Alia Ellison " Don't worry, my parents are both nice you can trust me for this ")
(She smile and nod)
(Them both sit on the living room sofa and later on Vincent Zackal parents sat at the sofa in front of them)
Vincent Mom: So could we call you Alia if you don't mind it?
Alia Ellison: I don't mind
(Vincent Zackal saw Alia Ellison fidgeting her finger, it seems like she's feeling nervous)
Vincent Zackal: (What should I say to help her out of this situation, she needed some time for her to feel more comfortable at this house after all)
Vincent Zackal: M-
Alia Ellison: Thank you all for taking me in and taking care of me, I will try to find a job and so I won't be a burden to you all
Vincent Mom: Oh is alright you won't become a burden, we could-
Vincent Dad: Oh wow how nice of you, don't make her or my son too rely on you, them going to work is a good thing they'll learn to be independent, anyways if you needed help with finding jobs or whatever you could find me and my wife, we could help you about it
(Alia happily nod her head)
Vincent Zackal: (It gets a bit awkward now, I could use this chance to get her out of this situation for now I guess)
Vincent Zackal: Mom, dad I'll take her to look around the house now
Vincent Parents: Sure
(Vincent mom whispering to Vincent dad quiet as possible " I forgot to brew a hot tea for them, I was too excited that I forgot it... hmm how should I talk with Alia? Like being gentle or kind)
Vincent Dad: You're just overthinking, is all alright we'll brew them a hot tea when they return to their room
(Vincent Zackal been unconsciously holding Alia Ellison hand while taking her to look around the house, later he take her in his room and just realised that he been holding her hand for a while now, he quickly retrieve his hand and apologise)
Alia Ellison: Is okay, I don't mind it
(She smile as she talks)
(She suddenly grab and hold Vincent Zackal hand again then she sat down on the bed)
(Vincent Zackal felt a bit of heat inside, feeling flustered but still sit beside Alia Ellison as they're still holding hands then suddenly Alia Ellison says something unexpected)
Alia Ellison: Zackal... do you like me?
Vincent Zackal: H- Huh? T- That was sudden, but I do...
(Alia Ellison can't stop smiling for a while now and when she heard it, she can't hold it anymore)
Alia Ellison: I love you Vincent Zackal
(Alia Ellison says it while them both looking at each others eyes, them both were feeling the heat stirring inside)
Vincent Zackal: I love you too Alia...
(He says it in a gentle tone)
(The atmosphere feels romantic and the air trapped in the room heat up as they breathe)
(After second and second passes the room is starting to get hotter and hotter as both of them gets closer to each other faces inhaling then exhaling warm breath, when they were close to kiss each other the door open, it was Vincent mom holding 2 cup of hot tea but she accidentally came in at the worst time)
Vincent Mom: Oh uh I'll put the hot tea on your table, you both continue ho-ho~
(Vincent Mom quickly place down the hot tea and close the door then rush down the stairs with excitement and tell her husband about it)
(The mood was ruined but their hand still holding on tightly together, couple of seconds later Vincent Zackal stood up and grab two cup of hot tea, he hand a cup to Alia Ellison and a cup for himself, it was cold today but the two of them didn't really feel like it was that cold today, rather they feel hot at the moment when they are together)
(They both take a few sip of the hot tea)
(Vincent Zackal put the cup of hot tea on the table)
Vincent Zackal: Uhm I'll sleep on the floor, I had a bedroll
Alia Ellison: Well.. you could sleep with me, I don't mind
Vincent Zackal: But I do mind... I- I'll just sleep on my bedroll
Alia Ellison: Just for today at least...
Vincent Zackal: But-
Alia Ellison: I'm all yours already so don't worry
(Alia Ellison wink at Vincent Zackal and grab his arms then pull him to the bed)
(Alia Ellison hold Vincent Zackal slightly tight in her arms not letting him gets away from her arms)
(After a while she sob silently but it was noticed)
(He gently get off of her arms and went to close the lights and lay back in her arms but this time he hold her in his arm while gently patting her head)
(Just a few minute later, Alia Ellison stopped sobbing and fell asleep in Vincent Zackal arms)
(Later he also feel the drowsiness taking over him, not long after he also fell asleep)
[1 Week later, at Vincent Zackal room]
(While Vincent Zackal was playing on his smartphone and checking his account on an app)
(Alia Ellison quietly sneak behind him, watching his display screen and saw his account name and profile feeling familiar)
(She tried to recall where she saw it and suddenly she remembered, it was the one that often defend her at internet)
(She smiled then feeling relieved that it was Vincent Zackal because if he was the one, she could be sure of something that is to become a better person for him and work harder for their future, she will do whatever it takes to keep him)
(At night time when Vincent Zackal is asleep at his bedroll, Alia Ellison quietly and slowly get up from bed then she sit on the chair and grab out a diary book of her's then she turn on the table lamp lights and started writing)
(I met the guy that change me into a better person and the only one for me, because of him I wanted to work harder for the future for a better life with him, at before I often think of finding someone perfect, handsome or rich for me and so I tried to get close with the handsome guys but alot of them hurt me physically and mentally but now I've realised alot of things and the way I think is just stupid, I want to improve myself to the better version of myself and so I could be with Zackal I mean eternity when I realised I have fallen in love with Zackal I can't stop thinking about him I don't care what anybody says about me anymore cause I know he will always trust me, his such a gentle, kind, caring, wonderful and a amazing person... I want to marry him someday and form a family with him)
(One month later Vincent mom ask her friend that if she is hiring someone to work at her restaurant and they are hiring needing another waitress, since when Alia Ellison got a job it has been for 2 weeks now, she been working much harder then any other worker in the restaurant and she seemed passionate, positive and happy)
(Two years later, Vincent Zackal and Alia Ellison held a small marriage ceremony at a open field, they only invite the people they know expect Alia Ellison parents though they did inform them by sending messages to them but the message was only seen and nothing else, that proof Alia parents doesn't even care about Alia Ellison but she won't dwell in the past and keep moving forward with her husband towards a happier and a much promising future for them to create more happy memories together)
(Another three years later, Alia Ellison and Vincent Zackal had three kids and they also had a really amazing happy life now, Alia Ellison stopped working at the restaurant when they married, they started planning the future and she decided to write novel while Vincent Zackal found the job he likes to work at and also having a good pay from the job, Alia and Vincent is still lovey-dovey together especially when they're at alone in the room when holiday, Alia Ellison love keep growing much more for Vincent Zackal and gotten so uncontrollably lovely sometimes...)
[Happy End]