
It has been a millennium since the cataclysmic event known as the burning, yet the world still bears the scars of that fateful day. The landscape has changed, twisted and contorted into something almost unrecognizable, a reflection of the pain and suffering that has plagued humanity ever since. Despair and sorrow seem to be the only constants in a world that is constantly at war.

Nations and empires now rule with an iron fist, their leaders driven by their insatiable thirst for power and control. Violence has become the norm, so much so that it's difficult to remember how it all began. The rich continue to amass wealth while the poor struggle to survive, a cruel reminder of the inherent inequality that has plagued humanity since time immemorial.

Professional killers are now a common sight, hired to do the dirty work of those in power. They are cold-blooded and ruthless, their morality twisted and distorted by the world they inhabit. The line between right and wrong has been blurred beyond recognition, leaving individuals to make their own decisions about what is morally acceptable.

Pain and suffering seem to be the only constants in this world, the only things that can be relied upon. Somewhere, amidst all the turmoil and chaos, there might be pockets of peace and tranquility. But for most, life is a never-ending struggle, a daily battle to survive in a world that seems determined to crush their spirits.

The innocent suffer most of all, their lives cut short before they have a chance to experience true happiness. Children die every day, their deaths serving as a stark reminder of the cruelty and indifference of the world around us. It's difficult not to wonder who or what is responsible for this endless cycle of suffering. Is there some higher power punishing us for our sins, or are we simply doomed to live in a world that is inherently cruel and unforgiving? Whatever the answer may be, one thing is clear: the world we live in is a dark and brutal place, one that seems determined to crush the hopes and dreams of all who dare to believe in a better tomorrow.

The world is a dark and twisted place, ruled by those who inherited god-like powers and control the balance of power in society. Many nations and empires believe they hold true control over the world, but in reality, it is these powerful individuals who pull the strings from behind the scenes. The empires may be perceived to be in control due to their vast resources, but their power pales in comparison to those who hold the true power.

The six organizations that inhibit people with powers are shrouded in mystery and secrecy, turning their gifted agents into multi-purpose hitmen capable of carrying out any task from assassinations to escorting high-profile individuals to serving as mercenaries in war. These agents are not ordinary hitmen, but rather the most powerful and deadly individuals in the world. The possibilities for their use are endless, making them a powerful tool for those who seek to gain or maintain power. But gaining entry into these organizations is not easy. Only those born with specific bloodlines and gifted with god-like powers are considered for recruitment. This makes the organizations a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few who hold the power.

The most famous of these organizations is the assassin organization, known for being the first of the hitmen. They are considered the second strongest organization in terms of manpower, and their base of operations is located in the wealthy and powerful nation of Zarona. The land of Zarona is home to many different bloodlines, but it is the Zenero and Atara bloodlines that hold the true supernatural powers.The existence of these god-like beings raises questions about the nature of power and control, and whether those who hold such power are truly deserving of it. The world is a dark and twisted place, where the strong prey upon the weak, and the innocent suffer at the hands of the powerful. The fate of humanity rests in the hands of a select few, leaving the rest of society to live in fear and uncertainty, never knowing who holds the key to their fate.

The Beserkers Organisation, the most feared and ruthless of all hitmen groups, have a notorious reputation that sends shivers down the spine of even the bravest warriors. They share the same bloodthirsty and violent characteristics as Vikings and pirates, and have a ferociousness that is unmatched by any other organization in the world.Membership to this savage clan is not granted to just anyone. One can only join if they are from Nordia or possess Nordic blood. The kingdom of Nordia, while perceived as barbaric to outsiders, is a place where its people find happiness and a sense of belonging in their way of life. It is a land that is ruled by the mighty Bjorno, a man loved by the people across the world. He is their king, their protector, and will never let anyone down. With his unwavering leadership, Bjorno has cemented the Beserkers' place as one the most elite and fierce hitmen in the world.

Their methods are brutal, their tactics unyielding, and their power unrivaled. When the Beserkers are hired to complete a job, they do it with the utmost efficiency, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in their wake. They have no mercy for their targets, and even less for anyone who dares to cross them. They are the epitome of the phrase "death before dishonor." The Beserkers Organisation strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear their name, and their reputation only continues to grow with each successful mission. They are a reminder that in a world ruled by the strongest and most powerful, it is those who are the most savage who truly reign supreme.

The Agent Organisation, a powerful and ominous entity that reigns over the nation of Labre. They claim to be the protectors of the people, but rumors of their corruption run rampant. Labre, the center of the world and the land of dreams, also happens to be a land of deep sorrow. The poverty rate is high, despite the fact that it has the most billionaires in the world. The Agent Organisation is the only hitmen organization run by a nation's government, which makes them all the more terrifying. Unlike other hitmen organizations that recruit only from specific bloodlines, the Agent Organisation accepts anyone with power, making them an attractive option for those with mixed bloodlines. But getting into this organization is not easy. After going through a rigorous screening process, candidates must attend Agent School for two grueling years. Only 5% of people pass each year, which speaks to the intensity of the training.

The Agent Organisation's reach is extensive and they are known to be very talented and swift in their operations. They have the largest number of hitmen at their disposal, but their strength is not necessarily in their numbers. The Agent Organisation is renowned for their ability to take down terrorists who pose a threat to mankind and to protect individuals of high importance.They are able to call upon the five other organisations to assist them in various mission. However, their methods are questionable, and some believe that they are corrupt from the top down. In a world where the lines between good and evil are blurred, the Agent Organisation's true motives remain shrouded in secrecy. Are they really working for the betterment of mankind, or are they simply another tool in the hands of the powerful elite? Only time will tell.

The mages organisation is a secretive and mysterious group, feared by many due to their immense power and past conflicts with other Hitmen organisations. They are the smallest of the Hitmen organisations, consisting of only 50 people, but each member is exceptionally powerful due to their rare bloodlines of Hogwa and Ferra. The Hogwa bloodline is considered the rarest in the world and the Ferra bloodline is directly descended from Hogwa. The mages faced genocide decades ago, and many speculate that it was orchestrated by the assassins organisation out of fear of their power. As a result, there is bad blood between the two organisations and they are known to kill each other on sight. Despite their small numbers, the mages are slowly rebuilding their organisation and are rumored to be coming back stronger than ever.Their location is unknown to the world, but the agency has direct contact with them in case they are needed for missions. It is unknown what their true motives are, and many fear that their immense power could cause chaos in the world.

The Cyborg Organisation is the most advanced hitman organisation in the world, and the most exclusive. Founded by an unknown billionaire, this organisation only accepts the best of the best, and handpicks its members from the Agents. The cyborgs are highly advanced in terms of technology, and their members are part human, part machine. They are equipped with the latest technology, and have enhanced physical abilities, making them nearly invincible. They are highly sought after for the most difficult and high-end jobs, and are always hired by the richest individuals. The cyborgs are a force to be reckoned with, and their technology is unmatched. They work closely with the Agents, and are often called upon for the most challenging and dangerous missions. While their strength and abilities are impressive, there are some who fear the implications of this advanced technology, and worry about the consequences of a world where machines and humans become increasingly intertwined.

The Beast organisation is a chilling and barbaric group that has survived for centuries. Their initiation ritual is a bloodbath that involves 100 individuals fighting to the death. The lucky few who survive, no more than 20, are considered worthy to join this ruthless organisation. The process of elimination is brutal and leaves behind a trail of gore and carnage that is hard to forget. Once you become a member, there is no turning back. The Beast organisation is not just a group, it's a way of life. The members live in the mountains of Delria, far from civilization, and operate under their own government. They are ruled by a council of the strongest and most ferocious warriors, who are feared even by their own members.To join, one must come from the unique BB or ABB bloodlines. The members of the BB bloodline are already formidable, but the ABB bloodline is something beyond human comprehension. Their strength and savagery are legendary, and they are known to be the most ruthless of all the members.

The Beast organisation is not to be taken lightly, as their power and abilities surpass even those of the Berserkers. Their savagery and brutality are unmatched, and they are known to stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Those who underestimate them are in for a rude awakening, as the Beast organisation is a force to be reckoned with. Their methods are beyond savage, and they are willing to resort to any means necessary to attain their objectives. From kidnapping and torture to mass murder and genocide, there is no limit to what they are capable of. The Beast organisation is a living nightmare, and the world can only hope that they never set their sights on their next target.