
Emma showed Taizen to his to his dorm, upon arrival she helped him unpack his things and then gave him a quick briefing about agent school

Emma looked Taizen in the eyes as she spoke, her tone serious and her expression grave. "You need to understand that this is not a game," she said, her voice low and firm. "Agent school is not for the faint of heart. It will push you to your limits, physically and mentally. You need to be prepared for that."

Taizen nodded, his own expression serious. He had heard stories about agent school, about the grueling training and the high stakes. But he had never imagined just how intense it would be.

Emma continued. "You will be training with the best of the best, and you need to be able to keep up with them. There's no room for slacking off, no room for mistakes. One misstep could mean the difference between success and failure."

"Listen, only the top students get selected to join this school and only a select few get to join by recommendation like you did. So you can bet that there will be some students who see you as a threat and try to make things difficult for you," she warned.

Taizen simply grinned. "I'm not afraid of a little competition. In fact, I thrive on it. And if anyone tries to get in my way, I'll just have to show them what I'm made of."

Emma raised an eyebrow, impressed by his confidence. "Well, I like your attitude. Just remember to stay focused and work hard every day. If you do that, you'll be sure to succeed."

Taizen nodded, eager to prove himself to everyone at agent school. He wasn't afraid of the challenge ahead – in fact, he was excited for it. He knew that this was his chance to make a name for himself and he wasn't going to let anyone stand in his way.

"Your classes start tomorrow," Emma said, her tone becoming more serious. "You'll need to be up early and ready to go. I'll have one of your classmates come and get you in the morning and show you around."

Taizen nodded, his excitement building. He couldn't wait to get started on his journey to becoming an agent. "Sounds good to me," he said.

"Just remember, Taizen," Emma continued, her voice taking on a stern edge. "This isn't going to be a walk in the park. You're going to be pushed to your limits and beyond. But if you can handle it, the rewards will be beyond anything you can imagine."

Taizen nodded again, determined to rise to the challenge. "I'm ready for whatever they throw at me," he said confidently. "Bring it on."

Emma smiled, impressed by his unwavering determination. "I have a feeling you're going to do just fine," she said. "Just remember to keep your head down, work hard, and stay focused. And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Taizen nodded one last time, his mind already racing with the possibilities that awaited him at agent school. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was more than ready for the challenge. This was his chance to prove himself, and he wasn't going to let anyone or anything stand in his way.

The Morning had come, Taizen woke up early to get in a quick workout. He changed into the agent student uniform Emma had left for him last night. He heard a knock on the door.

As Taizen opened the door, he was greeted by Mionara, who stood there with a serious expression on his face. Taizen couldn't help but notice the coldness in his eyes as he introduced himself.

"Sup, I'm Mionara. I'm here to show you around and take you to class," he said bluntly.

Taizen nodded in response and followed Mionara out of the dorm room. The silence between them was awkward as they walked down the corridor towards the classroom. Taizen tried to start a conversation, but Mionara's cold responses shut down any attempt at small talk.

"You don't talk much, do you?" Taizen finally asked.

Mionara looked at him, his expression unchanged. "I don't see the point in small talk. We're here to train, not make friends."

Taizen raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by Mionara's bluntness. He couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the other boy's icy demeanor.

As they entered the classroom, Taized was shocked by how big it was, it was a huge lecture hall which was full of over 50 students, Taizen noticed some students staring at him curiously. He could feel their eyes on him, sizing him up. Mionara walked over to his seat without another word, leaving Taizen to navigate the unfamiliar territory alone.

As the door creaked open, all eyes turned to the entrance as a massive figure stepped into the room. Towering over everyone else, the man was easily seven feet tall, with broad shoulders and biceps like tree trunks that strained against the fabric of his shirt. His presence was imposing, and his stern expression only added to the sense of authority that seemed to radiate from him.

As he approached the front of the room, the sound of his heavy footsteps echoed off the walls, commanding the attention of every student in the classroom. The air seemed to vibrate with his power, and even the most confident students felt a twinge of apprehension at his formidable presence.

With a deep voice that rumbled like thunder, the giant of a man announced himself as the new teacher, and the room fell silent. He greeted the students with a firm nod, and his piercing gaze swept across the room, taking in each and every face before him.

"You are all here to learn," he said in a voice that brooked no argument. "And I am here to teach you." His words were simple, but they carried the weight of a promise, a promise that he would guide them through the challenges ahead and help them reach their full potential.

The students could sense the passion and dedication that burned within the teacher, and they knew that they were in good hands. With his towering frame and commanding presence, he was more than just a teacher; he was a mentor, a guide, and a force to be reckoned with.

And so, the students settled into their seats, eager to begin their journey of learning with this extraordinary man at the helm.

"Today we are going to be learing about Inner"

The teacher's deep voice reverberated through the dimly lit classroom, sending shivers down the spines of the students. The air was thick with an ominous aura, as if the very walls themselves were afraid to bear witness to the lesson that was about to unfold.

"Inner," the teacher began, his piercing gaze locking onto each student in turn. "The most crucial weapon in any Hitman's arsenal. Without it, you are nothing but a mere mortal, weak and vulnerable in the face of danger."

The room fell into an eerie silence as the teacher continued, his voice low and menacing. "In the world of assassination, there is no room for weakness or hesitation. Every target is a potential threat, every mission a potential deathtrap. But with inner , you can overcome even the most deadly of situations, emerging victorious where others would falter and fall."

The students could feel the weight of the teacher's words pressing down on them like a heavy burden. It was clear that this was no ordinary class, no ordinary teacher. This was a lesson in survival, in the dark arts of the Hitman, and the stakes were nothing short of life and death.

"Take this part seriously," the teacher warned, his voice laced with a hint of menace. "For those who fail to cultivate their inner will find themselves at the mercy of their enemies, left to wither and die in the shadows of the world they dared to enter."

" Who can tell me what inner is ?"

A student stood up ever so confidently and said "Inner is a ability that lets you draw power from the Gods"

The teacher nodded approvingly at the student's answer, a small glint of admiration in his eyes. "Yes, you are correct. Inner is the ability to draw upon the powers of the Gods, to tap into a force that lies deep within us all."

The room fell into a hush as the teacher continued, his voice now filled with a reverence that seemed almost holy. "This power is not something that can be learned or taught. It is something that must be earned, through years of training, discipline, and sacrifice."

The students leaned forward in their seats, eager to learn more about this mysterious force that could grant them such power. The teacher paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts, before continuing.

"The Gods are the source of all power in this world, and those who seek to harness their strength must first earn their favor. They must prove themselves worthy, by undertaking great feats of skill, cunning, and bravery."

He fixed his gaze on the student who had answered his question, his eyes now glittering with an intensity that seemed almost otherworldly. "But beware," he warned. "For those who seek to wield this power without the proper respect and humility will find themselves cast out, abandoned to the merciless whims of fate."

The students listened in rapt attention, their imaginations running wild with the possibilities that this power could bring. For in the world of the Hitman, where danger lurked around every corner and death was always a heartbeat away, the power of the Gods could mean the difference between life and death.

The teacher's piercing gaze scanned the classroom, as if daring anyone to meet his eye. "Has anyone here tapped into the power of Inner?" he asked, his voice echoing off the walls like a clap of thunder.

Several students tentatively raised their hands, their eyes flickering nervously towards the teacher. The atmosphere in the room was tense, as if the very air itself was charged with electricity.

The teacher let out a low chuckle, the sound sending shivers down the spines of the students. "Well, well," he said, a glint of admiration in his eye. "It seems we have some elite students in our midst this year."

Taizen's heart sank as he watched several of his classmates raise their hands. He had always prided himself on his skills as a Hitman, but now he realized that he had some serious catching up to do. The thought of being left behind filled him with a seething rage, a fire that burned deep within his chest.

But he pushed the anger aside, channeling it into a steely determination. He would not let himself be left behind, not when the power of Inner was within his reach. He would train harder, fight smarter, and do whatever it took to rise to the top of the class.

For in the world of the Hitman, there was no room for weakness or complacency. Only the strongest, the most cunning, and the most ruthless survived. And Taizen was determined to be among them.

The teacher's voice was low and reverent as he spoke of the ancient Gods. "There are thirty deities known to us, each with their own domain of power. The power to command the elements, to control the minds of others, to summon creatures from other planes of existence..."

The students listened in hushed awe, their imaginations running wild with the possibilities of what they could do with such power. But the teacher's voice grew serious as he continued.

"But beware," he warned. "For not all are blessed with the same gifts. Depending on your bloodline, you may only be able to tap into the power of certain Gods. Some may be closed off to you entirely."

A murmur rippled through the classroom as the students exchanged nervous glances. The thought of being limited in their abilities was a bitter pill to swallow.

But then the teacher's gaze fell upon a lone student, sitting at the back of the room with an air of quiet confidence. "Except for the Atara Bloodline," he said, his voice filled with a hint of awe. "For they are the chosen ones, the ones who can tap into almost every God without exception."

The students turned to look at the young man, who simply shrugged his shoulders as if to say, "What can I say? It's in the blood." But Taizen felt a pang of jealousy, knowing that he could never hope to match the power of the Atara Bloodline.

Still, he resolved to make the most of what he had. For in the world of the Hitman, it was not just raw power that mattered, but skill, cunning, and resourcefulness. And Taizen was determined to use every tool at his disposal to become the best Hitman he could be.

The teacher's words were a balm to the wounded pride of Taizen and his classmates. But he could sense that there was still a lingering feeling of inadequacy in the room.

"Don't let this demotivate you," the teacher said firmly, his gaze sweeping across the faces of his students. "Just because your bloodline can't tap into as many Gods as the Atara, does not mean in any shape or form that you will be inferior to them."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "The power of your Inner comes down to only you," he continued. "It is not something that can be inherited or bestowed upon you by your ancestors. It is a gift that you must cultivate and nurture within yourself."

Taizen felt a spark of hope ignite within him at the teacher's words. He had always believed that hard work and dedication were the keys to success, and now he knew that this was true even in the world of Hitmen.

The teacher's voice took on a note of encouragement as he spoke. "Think of it this way," he said. "If every Atara was automatically the strongest and most skilled among us, then what would be the point of training and striving to improve? But the fact is, the power of Inner is something that can be developed by anyone who is willing to put in the effort."

He fixed each of his students with a meaningful gaze. "So don't sell yourselves short. Believe in your own potential, and you will be surprised at what you can achieve."

The teacher's voice cut through the air like a sharp knife. "That is it for today, class," he said, his eyes scanning the room to make sure everyone had heard him. "Next, you will be led by Mr. Pioka in your combat class. So, please, get changed and make your way over to the training arena assigned to you. You will each be split into classes of ten."

The students rustled in their seats, eager to begin the practical part of their training. Taizen could feel the adrenaline starting to pump through his veins as he envisioned himself in the arena, facing off against his classmates.

The teacher's voice brought him back to reality. "Remember," he said, "this is where you will really start to put your Inner to the test. In combat, you will learn to channel your power and use it to your advantage. But don't forget, your opponent will be doing the same. So, stay sharp, stay focused, and never let your guard down."

Taizen nodded, his mind already buzzing with anticipation. He could sense the excitement in the room, the shared energy of a group of young Hitmen ready to prove themselves.

As they filed out of the classroom and made their way towards the training arena, Taizen felt a surge of determination. He was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, ready to tap into the full potential of his Inner and show the world what he was truly capable of.