
"We've got a problem," Rico announced grimly. "Our intel didn't mention these outposts, and there's no way to avoid them. We're in for a tough fight."

Taizen's brow furrowed. "How many more outposts are there?"

"Three more," Rico replied. "And I don't know how many people or how strong they are. If we were up against this many opponents, the organization would have sent a bigger squad."

Mionara let out a heavy sigh. "So what's our plan?"

Rico shook his head. "We stick to our original plan. We take them out one by one. But we need to be cautious and ready for anything."

As the squad marches through the treacherous mountains, the only sound is the crunch of their boots against the rocky terrain. The tension in the air is palpable, each of them preparing themselves for the inevitable battle ahead. Every rustle in the bushes or gust of wind sends their hearts racing. They know that they could be attacked at any moment. The silence is only broken by the sound of their weapons clanging together as they ready themselves for the next fight.

Blood-curdling screams shattered the silence as the sound of pounding footsteps grew louder. Suddenly, a horde of forty people wielding spears leapt off a long cliff of the mountain. They shouted "Attack! Kill them all! Don't let them get to father!" Mionara and the rest of the squad barely had time to react as they were forced to dodge the incoming spears with acrobatic maneuvers. One of the spears grazed Mionara's arm, leaving a deep gash.

Suddenly, the squad was encircled by a horde of 40 ruthless bandits, armed to the teeth with spears and swords. Without warning, Fiona transformed into her lioness beast form and lunged at them with ferocious speed, tearing into their flesh with razor-sharp claws. Mionara and Taizen took on the spear-wielding attackers, dodging the projectiles with acrobatic precision and striking back with deadly force. Rico unleashed his brutal strength, grabbing any bandit he could get his hands on and crushing their bones like twigs. The ground was littered with the mutilated bodies of their enemies, blood and guts spilling everywhere as the squad fought for survival.

As the battle raged on, Riona found herself facing a particularly skilled bandit who wielded two swords with expert precision. She dodged his initial strike and countered with a swift kick to his stomach, but he quickly recovered and lunged at her again.

Riona expertly parried his blows with her own sword, her movements graceful and fluid as she danced around him. She saw an opening and lunged forward, but he deftly dodged and sliced her across the shoulder.

Riona cried out in pain but didn't let it slow her down. She gritted her teeth and redoubled her efforts, her sword a blur as she struck at her opponent with lightning speed.

The bandit was a skilled fighter, but Riona was determined to come out on top. She feinted left and then struck from the right, catching him off-guard and delivering a decisive blow that sent him sprawling to the ground.

Riona stood over him, panting and covered in blood, her sword still at the ready in case he tried to get up again. But he didn't move, and she knew he was dead.

With a deep breath, Riona turned to rejoin the rest of the squad in their fight against the remaining bandits. She knew there were more battles to come, but she was ready to face them all with the same determination and skill she had shown in this one.

The aftermath of the brutal fight was a haunting silence. Taizen and Mionara avoided eye contact as they processed the blood and carnage around them. Rico's expression was one of cold determination. "Let's move on," he said, his voice hollow. "Only two more hours until we reach the final destination." He paused, his eyes flickering with an eerie glint. "Say your prayers before we face whatever horrors await us." The way he laughed sent shivers down their spines.

As they sprinted through the jagged terrain of the mountains, the group of six felt their nerves on edge, constantly scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger. Suddenly, a lone figure emerged from the haze in the distance, shuffling towards them at a steady pace. The group slowed down, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons, unsure of whether to approach or flee.

Mionara's eyes narrowed as he spotted a lone figure in the distance, slowly approaching. He studied him carefully, analyzing his movements and stance. "This one must be strong," he said in a cold voice. "They sent him alone to take on all six of us

As the figure drew closer, they could make out the intricate details of the black robe he wore. The fabric shimmered in the sunlight, as if it was made from a material that had never before been seen. His face was obscured by the hood, casting deep shadows over his features, making it impossible to see his expression. The figure moved with a grace that was almost otherworldly, like he was gliding towards them. It was clear that this was not an ordinary opponent, and the group tensed, ready for whatever may come.

Sam, one of the agents, exclaimed, "Enough of this waiting game," and impulsively charged at the mysterious figure with his spear. But the cloaked figure swiftly grabbed Sam, as though he weighed nothing, and plunged his bare hand straight into his chest, piercing his heart. As if that wasn't enough, the figure then yanked out Sam's still-beating heart and took a gruesome bite out of it.

After witnessing the man's gruesome display of strength, the agents hesitated to make a move. Rico and the twins held them back, warning that they were no match for him. The group stood frozen, silently mourning the loss of their fallen comrade.

Taizen grasped Rico's shoulder firmly and spoke in a cold tone, "I'll take care of this." His expression was filled with a menacing determination as he sought to avenge his fallen comrade.

Listen up," Rico said to the group, "the man over there is Jag. He was a former squad leader of the beast organization but got kicked out for stealing classified intel. So be careful, he's not someone to be underestimated. But, Taizen, I trust your ability to take him down. We're here to back you up if anything goes wrong. Let's see your strength."

Taizen nodded, a look of determination on his face. "I won't let you down," he said to the group