
Ana's POV

I got out of the car and fumbled through my purse looking for the house keys. Cole, my boyfriend, was currently out of town, for work, and I decided to come home early from my trip and surprise him. Since we've both been away for over a week I decided to clean the house and stock the fridge with groceries. It wasn't anything huge but I've always been a believer that the little things mattered.

Since I met cole I had the desire to take care of him, to be a good girlfriend and to prove to him, once and for all, that I could be a good wife.

At the beginning of our relationship, Cole would talk about proposing and narrate our whole life together. He would talk about having children, where we would live, and how we would grow old together. As our relationship moved out of the honeymoon phase, he would speak of these things less and less frequently. It now felt that I was the only one pushing this relationship forward and he was becoming more indifferent to our future.

When asked, he would complain about his heavy workload, my heavy workload and our lack of time together. He would make promises, then break them, always blaming it on work.

I finally found my keys and walked up to the front door noticing a light on in our bedroom. I rolled my eyes and cursed him out loud. I felt like a broken record. No matter how many times I reminded him, cole always forgot to turn the lights off.

Grumbling to myself, I opened the door and entered the foyer.  As I stepped in I felt a wave of nausea overcome me. Something felt off and I was unable to calm myself. I could feel my heart beating faster as I tried to make sense of my surroundings.

The air in the house felt heavy and suffocating.  Confused, I spotted two wine glasses and a bottle of red sitting on the kitchen counter.

I stood still and listened as something caught my attention. I faintly heard a woman's laughter and soft moans coming from upstairs. Feeling queasy, I made my way up to the bedroom while trying to get my eyes to focus and not trip in the dark.

As I neared the room, I distinctly heard my boyfriend's voice coming from the other side of the door.

"Baby you feel so good, ride me harder"

The woman laughed through her heavy breathing and responded with louder moans. I could hear my boyfriend climax flowed by the sound of their bodies shuffling on the bed.

The woman, whose voice was familiar, spoke first

"Cole, when are you going to tell her about us? It's been months of us sneaking around. I am getting sick of this and done pretending to be happy for you two. You know it's frustrating. How much longer are you going to keep this going?"

"Soon Elise, you've said yourself that she's an angel that everyone loves. If I leave now she will do something stupid and destroy everything in the process. There are other things I still need to figure out before ending it. I don't want to lose the house to her. I don't want her to get anything that should be mine. I called the lawyer yesterday and he said he'll find a loophole to keep everything. You just need to be patient" Cole responded sounding incredibly confident.

I took a step back and placed my hand over my mouth trying to hold back a sob. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and worse, I couldn't believe that the woman on the other side of that door was my best friend Elise.

I stood in the hallway and stared at the bedroom door, deciding what I should do. A huge and overpowering part of me wanted to barge into the room and scream at both of them. Another part of me wanted to think rationally and remove myself from the house before I made any kind of move. I heard him say he was trying to take everything from me, and I needed to figure out what kind of loophole he thought would allow him to do just that.

I made my way to the front door and walked onto the street, slamming the door behind me. At that moment, I didn't give two fucks if they heard the me, I just needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Coles POV

I heard a loud slam coming from downstairs and sat up in a panic. Ana was not due to come back home for a few days so I was unsure of who could have entered the home. I was positive I locked the door, and besides Ana and Elise having a key, no one else would have access to our home.

I poked my head into the hallway and whispered,

" hello, anyone there?"

I repeated myself louder and, when convinced no one was there, I moved to the window and looked outside.

As I scanned our neighbourhood, my heart almost stopped when I thought I saw Ana's white Nissan Rouge driving down the street. I felt my throat tighten as I struggled to take a breath. Snapping out of it, I picked up my jacket and frantically looked for my cell phone. Once located, I unlocked it and shakily dialled her number.

"Honey, what is it" Elise asked slightly panicked. I knew how I looked and felt like I was going to pass out.

"Shit, shit, shit, she's not picking up" I pressed redial and listened to it ring.

"You don't think that was her? I spoke to her yesterday and she wasn't coming back for a few more days. Stop panicking" Elise spoke, clearly annoyed at my reaction. I knew what she was thinking. If I didn't care about Ana AND was planning on leaving her, why was I acting like this? I swear she looked like she was going to hit me as I dialled the number again.

After the third try, the line stopped ringing and I finally heard a "Hello?"