"In this retelling of the tale, the term 'Sinner' deviates from conventional understanding. Here, a 'Sinner' refers to someone who has forsaken the gift of simplicity and embraced the complexity of everything. There are two types of sinners: the Rise and the Descent. While distinct, both share a departure from simplicity. The Rise sinners completely reject simplicity, embracing progressing technology and hate purification through what is known as death. On the other hand, Descent sinners yearn for simplicity, rejecting technology and complexity, and strive for a balanced existence between life and accepting death. Although they do not seek death, when the day of unification with the mother arrives, they accept her cold embrace willingly.
The term 'angel' also holds a different meaning than what is commonly known. Angels are beings who reside on the first level of divinity, an alternate plane of existence. In comparison, humans exist on the zeroth level of divinity, while spirits occupy the realms between the 0.1 and 0.8 divinity levels, and angels can cause the black sea event.
Furthermore, a psychological disorder known as 'Adams Will' manifests in individuals from birth due to undetectable neurological damage. The cause of this disorder remains unknown. Some symptoms may include inappropriate reactions to negative events, such as responding with laughter and excitement in the face of near-death experiences. Those afflicted with this disorder must be closely monitored, as their morbid curiosity and inability to differentiate between good and bad can lead them to derive happiness from causing harm to others.
The term sudo God is a being that can open the gates of the first divinity while staying in a mortal body, a sudo God can be anything as long as it is alive, but most of them have been mostly human, these beings also have the ability to cause the black sea event to a lesser degree,
and I would like to say that if you want to recommend ideas or plot points please feel free to do so.