Chapter 7: A Lover’s Damnation

Hesitantly, I followed Viktor down the passageway. It was dark and cold and smelled of musty wood. The door closed behind us with a loud noise. Suddenly we were surrounded by walls made of thick logs that had been sanded down and lacquered to a high shine. The floor was made of stone tiles, each one etched with an intricate symbol that glowed faintly in the darkness.

What were we doing here? Where the hell was Viktor taking me? I was confused and my husband hadn't said a word. My body was shaking as I followed Viktor down the unfamiliar path. I was overcome with fear, yet curiosity kept me close to him. All I could hear was my own pounding heart and the echoing of my footsteps that somehow seemed to become more and more distant as I ventured further down the unknown path.

As Viktor and I made our way through the narrow passageway, my heart raced and my hands began to sweat. I felt a chill run down my spine and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled over me. There was a sense of urgency, and I could tell that something was weighing heavily on Viktor's mind.

I walked behind him, the oil lamp in his hand the only source of light. I could only see his muscular back but from the tension of it and the speed at which he was striding, I grew concerned.

Why did he rush when he realised the sun was about to rise? Did it have something to do with the fact that I had never seen him during the day? What was he hiding? Why wasn't he talking to me? Perhaps... Was Viktor regretting our night together? Had I done something to upset him? I was certain he had been with other women before me, so I may have come up short in his eyes... I hesitated, unsure of whether or not I should bring up the topic. Anxiety rose within me as I struggled to make a decision.

"Viktor, where are we going?" I finally asked, trying to break the silence between us. "What's happening, why the rush?"

But Viktor just remained stubbornly silent, his mood suddenly turning sour. I was filled with trepidation at the thought of him regretting our night together. Or maybe it was something else. Had I done something wrong?

"Viktor, please talk to me," I implored, my voice laced with concern. "What's going on?"

At last, Viktor spoke, his voice low and strained. "I'm sorry, Lucy," he said. "I shouldn't have done it. It was a mistake."

I gasped, my heart sinking at his words. "What do you mean, Viktor? What was a mistake?"

"Us," he replied, his voice laced with regret. "I shouldn't have let things go as far as they did. It was a moment of weakness, and it won't happen again."

My lips fell open and my shoulders slumped, I couldn't believe it. I suddenly felt cheated. Viktor's words cut through me like a sharp blade. His icy blue eyes were distant and unreadable, and my chest felt tight as I waited for him to say something more, to explain himself. My stomach lurched as the understanding of his meaning slowly dawned on me. He didn't want me anymore. Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the warmth of his embrace, trying desperately to cling to the memory of it before it vanished altogether. But Viktor was completely unaffected. He simply sighed, his shoulders sagging with exhaustion, and then continued walking, deeper and deeper into the underground tunnel.

What had I done? Why did I give myself so easily to him? I swallowed the thick lump which was growing in my throat, dabbed the corner of my eyes softly and continued in my walk.

Viktor had gone really far without even looking back, obviously not caring about if I was following or not. My chest constricted painfully. I doubled up in my steps as I followed behind him. We arrived at some stone stairs that took us even deeper into the earth. The walls around us seemed to exude some kind of ancient energy, and I could feel it coursing through my veins. The sound of our footsteps echoed all around us. I wanted to reach out and take Viktor's hand, but I refrained. After all, I had my pride too.

Our night together meant nothing to him and it hurt a lot. I had lost my virginity. We spent the entire night entwined in passion, yet he acted as if it was nothing more than a casual fling. That night was special for me. Wasn't it for him? Thoughts of Eponine filtered into my head and I hated that despite being dead, she had a way of showing up in my life.

My eyes caught Viktor's butt clenching as he walked down the stairs and it filled me with memories of the previous night. How he unreservedly fucked me, how he made me cum many times and how I unashamedly succumbed to the things he did to me.

How dare he call all those things a mistake? Aggravated, I made the decision to not talk to him unless he spoke first. If it was indifference what he wanted from me, he would have it.

After what felt like an eternity, we reached the end of the stairs. Viktor's muscles tensed as he pushed open a massive iron door, revealing a wide chamber beyond. He truly was a beast. No regular man could ever open such a heavy door by himself. I quietly followed behind, entering after him. The chamber was huge, decorated with paintings dating back centuries. Viktor lit the torches on the walls, lighting up the entire room. From behind us, the click of the door lock shutting closed echoed in the distance.

I was surprised to see such a rich and beautifully furnished room underground. A large, ornate four-poster bed sat in the middle of the windowless room. A carpet of lush, royal red covered most of the floor and a few pieces of furniture dotted the place in between. There was a table and a desk, a few cabinets and drawers, and some clothes scattered around. If we were talking to each other, I would ask him what the place was.

Viktor motioned for me to take a seat at the edge of the bed, and I complied. He then took the opposite side of the bed, looking intensely at me. Suddenly, I realised we were both still naked and I felt ashamed. I quickly took a blanket that was lying around and covered myself with it. Viktor, however, didn't bother, and I couldn't help but be aware of his presence next to me, and my mind started to wander towards all sorts of naughty thoughts…

I saw his cock dangling from between his legs. I swallowed briefly as I pictured his cock in my mouth, fucking me. I imagined him taking me right there on that bed as if we were two wild animals. I could remember his hands exploring my body last night as he whispered my name in my ear. He leaned in close, and I could feel the heat radiating off of his body, his sweet, wet lips started to slowly open... I closed my eyes and swallowed hard, bearing the pain of the pulse of desire coursing through my veins, and I knew that I couldn't resist him. Even if I was mad at him, even if what he said hurt me… I would fuck him again and again until he changed his mind. I made myself open my eyes and look nonchalant, so he wouldn't be able to tell what I was thinking.

Instead of lunging at me, Viktor just kept staring into my eyes with an unreadable expression on his face until eventually he got up and said: "There's something I need to explain to you, and you need to listen to me very carefully."

It didn't help very much that his fat cock was swinging while he was walking and talking so it was hard to concentrate.

He noticed my eyes on him and he scoffed, then took some clothes from an old chest to cover his length up with it. Blushing, I looked him in the eyes as if nothing had happened. He also handed a piece of clothing over to me and sighed.

As Viktor sat close to me on the bed again, I couldn't help but feel my heart race with anticipation. He looked like he was in deep thought and I wished that he would let me know what the matter was with him. Instead, he stared intently at me, making my blood curdle.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, contemplating on if to ask him what the matter was or continue basking in my sadness. He clicked his tongue, pushed his gorgeous hair to the back in frustration and placed his head on the headrest.

"I made a mistake," he started.

"You don't have to repeat that," I snapped.

"Can I continue?," he asked in annoyance. A low growl rumbled through his chest, scaring me a bit.

I shut my eyes and bit the inside of my cheeks.

"Of course," I replied. "What is it that you need to tell me then?"

"You must have seen me sinking my teeth into Eponine's neck," he began. I contained a snarl and dug my nails into my wrist. I didn't want to remember Viktor fucking her from behind. He should be thinking about me. We had rough sex just hours ago. What was he going on about?

"You must have also noticed my unnatural strength..." he continued. "My fangs too…"

I nodded, unsure about what he was trying to tell me.

"When Eponine attacked you, I had to save you somehow. So, I did something which I shouldn't have done. And I fear it might be the death of us both."

Beads of sweat were starting to gather on my forehead. I patiently waited for Viktor to continue but it didn't seem like he wanted to. This made me dread the information he was hiding. What was he guilty of? What could be so bad that it could lead to our deaths?

"Can you stop with the suspense? Tell me what the matter is," I implored.

"I turned you, Lucy. I turned you into a vampire," he acknowledged.

I couldn't help but laugh at his outrageous statement. It was impossible. Vampires didn't exist. They were but a made-up tale, one of the many stories we were told as children to get us to behave. Yet, his intense gaze caused my legs to shake, for the gravity of his expression was undeniable.

"What... What do you mean by... How is that possible?" I sputtered. He shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I turned you into one by biting you and giving you my blood to drink."

The memories of when he performed the action returned to me. I swallowed thickly and stared at him worriedly.

"What does this mean for me?" I asked, now serious. The creases on Viktor's white forehead had deepened as he spoke, and his sweet lips were pressed into a thin, tight line. He avoided eye contact, and I felt my heart thudding in my chest as I tried to make sense of his words. I could tell he wasn't joking. I started to shake.

At that moment Viktor moved closer to me in the bed. He placed a hand on my back and started to caress me. I felt all my hair standing on its ends. We sat so close together, I could hear his heart beating. The soft sheets of the bed made a rustling sound under our bodies as he enveloped me in his arms. His hands caressed my back in slow, lazy circles and I felt my clit throbbing and my pussy becoming wet and tingly. Viktor's blue eyes locked with mine in a beseeching gaze. Regardless of his words, I could see the hunger in his stare, his nostrils flaring, his skin pristine and pale. I knew that even though I was angry with him for rejecting me, I wouldn't be able to resist him if he had kissed me, and taken me right there. My body was screaming to be touched. I could feel my blood pounding through my veins... and the wetness growing between my legs. But Viktor broke the spell suddenly when he moved away and resumed our conversation.

"It means that you'll never be able to go into the sun again." He continued, now in a softer voice. "If you attempt to, you'll die. It also means that you'll have to feed– drink the blood of other people to survive..."

My ears were ringing. Everything he was saying flew past my head. I felt sick in the stomach, my chest tightened as my palms began to sweat. I felt a wave of nausea wash over me as I silently repeated his words in my mind, not wanting to believe what I heard.

I was going to need to feed. On what? Vampires feed on human blood. Did that mean that I would need to feed on it? I began hyperventilating and rubbing the sides of my head to ease the increasing throbbing.

"Hey, Lucy..." Viktor muttered. He dropped to his knees with a thud, fiercely gripping my thighs as he looked up at me, desperation in his eyes. He parted my legs forcefully and embraced me tightly, his voice breaking with raw emotion. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did this to you."

He moved me ever so slightly closer to him and a chill ran up my spine. Why did my body respond that way to him? It was embarrassing yet exciting. His presence made all my worries feel like nothing. He squeezed me gently and rubbed my naked arms. His gentle caress on my exposed skin sent a shock of pleasure through my core. Despite myself, I shivered with excitement.

An involuntary moan left my mouth. Shamefully, I clasped my mouth with my hand and swallowed any other sounds threatening to come out. I was upset at Viktor for rejecting me and saying the night of passion we shared was a mistake but if he decided to pin me on the bed and fuck me again, I would beg him to never stop.