Sword and Saber Hero, Repayment


Han Zhao returned to the Mountain Shaking Fist Academy. Just as he walked into Lu Yi's door, he saw a huge fist that was as black as ink and like black jade suddenly smash towards his chest.

The person who punched him was Lu Yi.

"Again?!" Han Zhao did not know whether to laugh or cry. He dodged Lu Yi's punch and slapped the back of Lu Yi's hand, deflecting his punch.

"Good kid!" Sensing the huge force coming from Han Zhao's palm, Lu Yi's expression changed.

He grabbed Han Zhao's arm and rolled up his sleeve.

Looking at the clear mountain mark on Han Zhao's bloodshot and swollen arm, Lu Yi's pupils suddenly constricted.

Then, he rolled up his other sleeve, and the same mountain mark appeared.

"Double Blood Qi Breakthrough! Kid, you're so impressive!" Lu Yi was surprised and delighted, angry and amused.

"Master, would you believe me if I said that I just broke through recently?" Han Zhao smiled.

"F*ck off!"