World Association, Sect Master Xiong Ba!

Ten days later.

Blackrock City, Inner City, Yonghe District.

A group of people led the carriage and ox cart along the main road that crisscrossed the north and south of the inner city, heading towards the north gate.

Each car was stacked with large boxes. The name of the convoy was Lingyun. It was the recently established Lingyun Trading Company.

As the busiest main road in the inner city, there were people coming and going on the streets.

However, everyone consciously made way for the caravan.

The onlookers pointed at the convoy and discussed softly.

"Woah! Look at the mountain of goods in this convoy. The Xu family and the Su family are really generous!"

"That's right. The two families joined forces and forced the Zhang family to move out of Blackrock City. Their businesses were completely annexed."

"This is all in the past! You still don't know, right? This Lingyun Trading Company's first big deal was robbed."