Vajra Protection! Grandmaster's Promise! (3)

The demon beast jerky was about a foot long and as thick as a baby's forearm. He swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

Soon, Han Zhao felt the blood qi in his entire body beginning to become active. His body felt like it was soaking in a hot spring, and his skin was slightly hot and red.

"It seems that demon beast meat is mostly used on the surface of the body and blood qi, and the Fire Marrow Pill is mainly used to protect the internal organs and reduce the probability of mental demons appearing."

Han Zhao thought to himself. He grabbed the remaining four Fire Marrow Pills in the pill furnace and stuffed them into his mouth.

A scorching warmth that was even stronger than before spread throughout his limbs and bones. Han Zhao felt that the meridians and internal organs in his body were very uncomfortable from this scorching warmth.

He sat cross-legged on the bed again and stuffed a ball of cloth into his mouth.