Life Nurturing Technique Breakthrough, Extending Lifespan by a Thousand Years! [Basic Master] Upgrade! (2)


After the dragon roar ended, a water tornado that connected the world appeared.

"The flood dragon is heading east!"

"Oh no!"

When the three of them saw the flood dragon flying east, they heaved a sigh of relief. After the huge water tornado brought along a group of pirates, it did not immediately disappear. Instead, it moved at high speed on the sea and swept towards their pleasure boat.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the pleasure boat the three of them were on was quickly swallowed by the waterspout. Under the high pressure, it instantly shattered into pieces of wood.

The three people who had dodged in advance stood on the sea in shock. They did not know if it was an illusion, but they noticed that before the Inky Flood Dragon flew away, its green vertical pupils glanced at them with a faint mocking intent.