Longevity Technique and Three Points Origin Returning Qi! It's Not Embarrassing for Survival! (4)

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a fatty walking over. He was two meters tall and looked to be in his thirties. He was quite handsome, but his body was so fat that it was as if there was a water vat around his waist. When he walked, the flesh on his entire body was trembling like a moving mountain of meat.

However, although he looked very fat, he moved very quickly. When he spoke, he was still dozens of meters away. In less than a breath's time, he arrived at the foot of the golden shop's stairs.

At this moment, everyone noticed that he was carrying a muscular middle-aged man in his hand. The middle-aged man was covered in blood and his aura was dispirited.


As he spoke, the fatty threw the middle-aged man to the ground and knelt on one knee. "I'm Yan Sheng, the envoy of the Furious Flood Dragon Gang. Greetings, Young Madam!"