Five Lightning Saint Body! Becoming a Deva! (2)

"Everyone has already attained Dao for many years, one more step and you will create a grotto-heaven, achieving the Great Dao, why make things difficult for a junior?" Yuan Xiyu sighed.

"Cut the crap! Han Zhao killed my junior sister, Firmament Sky. If you don't let go of the array and let us leave, when we destroy the Qian Heaven Palace, your Heavenly Saint Grotto-Heaven will be next."

"Don't tell me you think an incomplete Ten Directions Soul Extinguishing Array can trap the four of us?!"

"Even if you don't let us leave, do you think Han Zhao can survive the siege of Heavenly Demon Grotto-heaven? To tell you the truth, the leader this time is the Grotto Mystic King!!"

"In that case, I'll have to offend you." Yuan Xiyu's expression changed slightly when he heard this. He waved his horsetail whisk and bowed.

Although he spoke politely, his hands moved to activate the Ten Directions Soul Extinguishing Array to the limit.