An Unexpected Calamity! Corpse Slaying Re-cultivation (1)

South Heavenly Domain.

In the hinterland of the wilderness, a dark cloud sped deeper into the wilderness at an astonishing speed. From time to time, there would be thunderclaps coming from the dark clouds, and dark blue lightning was faintly discernible. Immediately after, a strange roar suddenly sounded, and it seemed to be filled with anger.

Suddenly, a strange desolate beast that was half human and half bird darted out of the dark clouds. It had four wings on its back, and its upper body looked like a muscular young man. It held a strange-looking black cauldron in each hand, but its lower body looked like an eagle. Its black feathers emitted a cold light.

With the appearance of the strange desolate beast, an extremely cold force that seemed to be able to freeze space spread throughout the void. The two cauldrons in its hands occasionally emitted a black fog that seemed to have substance. The top of the black fog was connected to the dark clouds above it.