Cultivating the Essence Soul Secret Technique! Divine Soul Breakthrough! (2)




Earth-shattering sounds of battle rose and fell.

However, as Han Zhao attacked, it quickly fell silent.


The Time Spirit Domain dissipated. Han Zhao grabbed a head that looked like a dead tree with one hand and sent his divine sense into it.

"Ah!" Blood Spirit let out a miserable scream. "How can your Law of Time… Origin Law!!"

Blood Spirit's wood-element Law of Time was quickly suppressed by Han Zhao's Time Origin Law.

After the "Time Seal" was completely awakened, Han Zhao realized that his control of the Law of Time had already increased to the extreme. Perhaps the Dao Ancestor was only so-so.

Otherwise, he would not have the ability to suppress the soul of a half-step Dao Ancestor who cultivated the wood-element Law of Time and read the other party's memories.