Chapter 56 Who is He?_1

Zhou Ning didn't follow them. When he got home, he saw a note on the table and a food container with plump and white dumplings still steaming hot.

The note was written by his grandfather. A smile spread across Zhou Ning's lips. During holidays and festivals, the warmth that the word 'home' brings is irreplaceable, and even without his parents, he never lacked this love and care.

After washing his hands, Zhou Ning first called his grandfather.

"Xiao Ning, just got off work?"

"Yeah, I just stepped through the door and saw the dumplings. Grandpa, are you in the hometown or the city?"

"I'm in the city. I and your second uncle's family have already eaten. You better eat your meal quickly and rest well. Your second uncle said you've got a case, so don't bother coming here."

Grandfather said this, clearly not wanting Zhou Ning to make the trip, understanding him best.