Chapter 195 On-site Secondary Survey_1

Mr. Zhao nodded.

"We have confirmed that the victim is Tan Ran. This is part of the examination report, but some tests haven't been completed yet."

Zhou Ning took the report and read it carefully.

The bloodstains found at the scene all belonged to Tan Ran – blood footprints, blood fingerprints, spatter drops, and pools of blood – these results had all come out. As for other DNA at the primary scene, only Xing Xiaoli's had been collected. It seemed that the murderer wanted the police to suspect Xing Xiaoli.

However, after looking through the report, Zhou Ning was surprised that the testing reports for the hand saw, kitchen knife, and electrical wire hadn't come out.

"Did Mrs. Cui say why the tests haven't been completed?"

"She did. Although the victim's blood was found on these pieces of evidence, the components of 84 disinfectant were detected on each item, even inside the crevices. Mrs. Cui said that it's possible these items were sprayed with 84 disinfectant before use.