Chapter 203 Call me brother, let me hear_1

In the laboratory.

Mr. Zhao turned on the light, and several people approached the table, where a white cloth was draped over something. Zhou Ning glanced at Hu Guangjian, and seeing him nod toward him, gently lifted the white cloth.

Tan Ran's skeleton had been completely cleaned and was arranged neatly—in fact, this sight was much better than the decaying mess in the box. Mr. Tan and his wife stood at the edge of the table.

Mrs. Tan cried out, while Mr. Tan patted his wife's hand and touched the white bones.

After a long while, Mr. Tan lifted his gaze.

"That's enough, our wish has been fulfilled. Mr. Hu, can you tell me, who is the murderer, and exactly why was Ranran killed?"

"Mr. Tan, I can't reveal too much for the time being, but we can give you a copy of the accounts we've put together. This detailed list includes the debts related to Tan Ran. Some are transfer records, and some are acknowledged loan amounts."