Chapter 222: Confusing and Intriguing_1

On the screen, the profile was extensive.

Xia Shouchang, male, born in August 1961, with a graduate degree, a middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions in Ludong Province, enjoying a special government subsidy from Hua Country. In December 2011, he took the position of president of Qindao University.

Behind that were many more titles, as well as a very impressive background. According to the introduction above, he had always been the dean of the School of Economics.

Upon seeing this last detail, Zhou Ning breathed a sigh of relief, remembering that Doctor Lu once mentioned something about Qindao University's School of Economics initiating an EMBA program for well-known entrepreneurs.

The so-called teaching had nothing to do with the school; it was all top entrepreneurs from within the country coming to show their faces, spread inspirational messages, boast, and promote where to place their eggs.