Chapter 14: World connection

A world.

The greatest wonder of the universe. The greatest source of of third order energy a dungeon can find. They are colossal entities that breed life itself. Although the universe is the mother of all beings within it, all beings seem like adopted children when compared to worlds. The fact that they are born divine and without reason or cause, highlights this belief. The belief that the worlds are the true sons and daughers of the universe.

They exist in many different froms, making each different from the last.

Some are spherical and use the power of gravity to pull all things to them. While some are flat, and look like a piece of land floating in the cosmos.

But of course, such forms are merely how mortals perceive them. Because dungeons exist in the same plane level of existance as worlds, they can perceive world's as they truly are.


They large balls of light with different hues and colour flashing here and there. Well, at least that's how the child would best explain it for mortals to understand.

Just like dungeons, worlds have an external structure that mortals cannot gaze apon. The closest a mortal will ever get to see a world in its full glory is with a telescope while gazing at the stars.

"But I wonder though, were humans in my previous world wrong in their belief of planetary masses and science? After all, in this world there are no planets or giant fireballs called stars. In this universe the stars that appears in the nightly sky is just an unclear reflection of the true world. The stars that trot the sky are just be millions of worlds that are closest by."

But it was possible that they weren't wrong. For all he knows, earth could be existing in an alternate universe. Of course, there was the possibility of earth being in the same universe as he currently was, only the truth of the world was just hidden from the masses. After all, in earth there has always been conspiracy theories all around.

"Well, that doesn't matter anymore. As I have this new world to focus on. On a note though, I would prefer it if this world was more technology focused like earth."

Since technology mostly and normally use first order energy, the second order energy(ether) that coveres every part of his interior would turn technology completely useless. Once that happens, he could collect all the energy he wants without having to worry about getting killed.

"But even if this world isn't technology based, I have made my preparations."

The child sensed the world that stood before him. It's spacial pull was acting on his dungeon body. But with a little third order energy as sacrifice, the child was able to stay still in place.

It has been two weeks since he has last decided to connect to a world. During these past weeks, he has been focusing his concentration on getting to the rank 1 world of his choice. And finally, he has arrived.

For the last time, the child did a last check on all his goblins. There was now 23 fully grown goblins in the dungeon. All of them were wearing armour and holding swords. Of course it was not full body armour they were wearing. It was just enough to have light protection and mobility. Their sword were a bit heavy, but due to the long training paid off, it was not hard to use.

As for the hob-goblins, there was still only four of them, but three were only two weeks old. As their fully grown forms were much bigger than normal goblins, they were still stronger than two week old normal goblins. But there still weaker than ordinary fully grown goblins. Even so, they too grabbed a sword and wore their armour.

Every goblin was tense, they did not know why or what, but they felt that something was about to happen.

Frankly, the child believed that the goblins aren't ready. If it was up to him, he would have preferred to have waited a few more weeks. At least to let the three hob-goblins grow to their full glory. Then, he would have four heavy hitters on his team. But that was not possible, his energy was too little. Because of the spacial pull, just trying to not get pulled to collide with the world takes energy. A second longer will force him to have less energy to form a distant connection. So...

"It's time."

From the speck like dungeon that floated around the radiant world ahead, a thin thread of energy that seemed more like a tentacle than anything else, shot out. Like whip, it shot out and forced its sharp end to stab deep into the star like world.

Although it looked like an attack, it was actually far from it. This was how dungeons connect to worlds. Once the tentacle went inside the world, a connection will form with it's interior. Thus opening up a portal.

And as expected, lots of the child's left over third order energy was consumed. And somewhere within the small dungeon interior, a swirl of blue energy was formed. Soon the swirl calmed down and turned to look like what seemed like a blue pool of luminous water. Only this water was not on the ground, but stood vertically on the rocky wall.

It was a portal to the world he had connected to.

But sadly, this portal was yet to be of actual use. Or rather he could not use it yet. As worlds, unlike dungeons, have a protective layer that stops intruders from immediately rushing in. This not only stops his goblins from going out, but also stops idle third order energy from getting sucked in. And as it's the energy he specifically needs, he child can't have that. So as the intruder, the child has to hammer the layer with a lot of third order energy and break it. Once broken, Everything in the dungeon can immediately rush out as they wish.

Thus enacting the famous, dungeon break!

But whilst nothing can go through from the the child's side, the same could not be said about the world's side. Sure, third order energy can't go through, but that is only becaue the energy is not actively attempting to go through. Conscious beings like curios mortals on the other hand...

"This is this the part where the dungeon holds a defense. Mortals and all kinds of creatures will attempt go in. This is here my goblins are to shine!"


But of course that will only be if there was a creature that is actually interested in attacking. Plus, even if a creature was interested, they would first have to find the portal first. Most portals tend to appear in places that are simillar to their interiors. With the child's interior, it might be some unknown cave. So if he was lucky, nothing will appear to attack the portal.

Which would be best for the child. As from the looks of it, a fight in his interior would not be a good idea. His interior was after all very small. So small that his dungeon interior only consisted of this one room sized place with his core in it. If a battle was to commence, nevermind the possibility of his core getting hit, the goblins who have never see true battle won't be able to show their best combat ability.

"So I really hope nothing passes through."

Maybe it was luck or the the young child was being blessed by the universe, but for two whole days, nothing appeared.

In the final day, it was then that finally...


A sound no different from glass breaking was heard. But this was no breaking glass. It was instead the world layer breaking. It was the signature sound of a dungeon break. A sound dreaded and feared by many mortals across the universe. But to the child, it was the beginning...

The beginning of his first dungeon war!
