Chapter 19: More smarter(2)


For a little while, the child hesitated on whether he should improve the goblin core or the hob-goblin core. But he ultimately decides to go with the goblin core. Since, as said before, the goblins have this weird brain-brawn physique, Making it such that if one is high, the other is low.


So starting with a strong body will just mean taking a step back. At some point, he would have to shave down the muscles. So why do that when he could just take an already shaven form?


The child's intention was still not clear about the intelligence part of the goblin, but he had some ideas about how to tackle the experience part.


"Since the goblins have an inherent knowledge system, I can take advantage of that and change it to my desires. If I can make it hold more inherent knowledge, I can give it more knowledge of how to survive. I could also try to make the knowledge inherited more clear than it is now. So there won't be anymore goblins eating mushrooms for no reason."


As of now, the inherent knowledge the goblins inherit is very vague. Like a blurry image, knowledge can be a bit hard to understand. When a goblin acesses this knowledge, it feels more like instinct than knowledge.


This was because the memory stored in the inherent systems is small. So small that the knowledge inside had to be compressed. Though this compression forced more information into the core, it also made the knowledge of lower quality. But with his assistance, the child should be able to increase the space a few notches. Getting both quantity and quality stored


Previously, the child had not changed the inherent knowledge in hob-goblin because he saw no use in changing it. At that time, he just wanted a more buff and strong goblin. That was why the hobgoblin had just thought itself to be an ordinary goblin before it saw its own reflection.


But now he saw it as a good method to get the goblins experience. Well, technically, it's not experience but knowledge. But with knowledge comes experience. As long as the goblins are smart enough, they will begin to understand and pile up on the knowledge they already have.


And if the child does it well, who knows, maybe the goblins could be able to develop a society like Earth. Which would be good for the child? With a smarter race leading his interior, the child won't have to order these goblins around. Once a siruation occurs, the goblins themselves would know what is happening and respond well.


Plus, with an actual race leading, maybe the goblins in the future would develop magic. After all, he is a dungeon, the one creature in this universe that makes ether best. His interior is a space completely filled with ether, so not having a species that uses his abundant ether is a waste.


Sadly, it's very hard to make a magical race. Unless he has a blueprint of an already magical race or a magical soul, he could only wait for the goblin's magical powers to appear naturally.




As the sun finally set, the goblins had all returned to the portal. One by one, each entered the portal and returned to their humble home. A good slurp of the blue-life water had not only quenched their thirst but filled their stomachs as well.


The rocky floor was hard and far from comfortable to sleep on, but as long as one calls it home, it was as good as a bed of roses.


For the goblins, it was technically still a few minutes before their nighttime arrival. Because when the portal world layer broke and the portal was fully opened, it was already afternoon. Meaning that less than 12 hours have passed since they woke up. But since the child needed them to get used to the world's time, he ordered them to sleep.


As for someone guarding him outside so that nothing attacks in their sleep, there was no need. The child was a creature that did not need sleep after all. With his ether spread out, he can feel anything that tries to get closer. Plus, he can alert the goblins much better than any guard. A single order from him could get them all waking up and ready to defend.


With the goblins now within their nightly dreams, the child went back to improving the goblins.


But suddenly, through his own senses, the child sensed a sound that traveled from afar.




It was a wolf howl. Hearing such a sound, the child's interest was piqued. He listened closely and tried to decipher how far away the originator of the howl was.


"There is a wolf nearby."


The child asked himself. But his thought was suddenly interrupted.




Once again, a wolf howl was heard. Only this time, there was more than a single howl. There were multiple howls, likely coming from multiple wolves.


"A pack, is it?"


The child started to worry. "Is this a wolf pack's territory? I do hope they aren't giant wolves or something."


But the child thought that it was unlikely that they weren't. After all, he had already seen a rabbit in this world. If it were anything to go by, then these wolves would be gigantic.


"But it's unlikely for them to be too big. As this is a rank one wolf, there can't be too many supernatural creatures. Even so, for the wolves to brazenly howl like that, they must be confident. Will my goblins be ready?"


With how things were, it did not seem good for the goblins at all.


"It seems like I have to try and complete my smarter goblins. Going for the strength route doesn't seem like it will bear fruit early enough."


The child sighed.

