Chapter 21: The hunt

In the dungeon core, a familiar scene for almost all the goblins unfolded. The inner core spun with all kinds of colors. Bizarre movements were made, and interesting shapes were formed.


The end product came from the rippling dungeon core. On the muddy ground, it fell with a single splat. Unlike the other goblins made by the child, it was unable to feel the experience of suddenly diving headfirst into a pool of water upon birth. Since the little pond of water was moved a little further from the core, The child had gotten the goblins to dig a hole and transferred all the life water into the hole. He did this because he feared that one day a goblin might dive into the water and drown immediately.


But he did supply the ground with some water to keep it moist. At least that way, no goblin will crack its own head from the fall.


With a new goblin arriving, the old goblins were, of course, curious. So they huddle together to see the new guy. But although the born creature was green and looked quite a lot like them, the goblins were perplexed when they saw the creature.


'Why is it so small?'


They asked themselves. But although they were confused, they weren't that surprised. They had seen baby goblins before. Maybe this one was a baby goblin too. It was just that; this was the first time their progenitor had produced a goblin that was not fully grown.


The gremlin that was deemed a baby goblin finally managed to get up on its feet. At first, it was a little wobbly, but it managed to get the hang of it after a little while.


At that moment, after it had gotten up, something fell near its feet. It was clothing. Or, to be more exact, they were green shorts. On the waist area, though, was a string that was put in the small holes going around it.


The goblins and hobgoblins who saw this were confused about what this thing was. The gremlins, on the other hand, felt like they knew what it was. Maybe it was instincts or some order from above, but the gremlins went over and took the shorts. After looking at them for a few seconds, it raised its legs and wore them.


But when the shorts reached their ends, they did not fit; they kept falling down. So the gremlins took the string around the waist and pulled it,  then tied it up into a knot. As for why it knew how to tie or wear pants, the gremlin did not know. But it was happy that it did not have to walk around with its junk in the air. After all, all the goblins in the dungeon wore loincloths, at least. So it didn't want to be left out.


The child who watched the gremlins was happy at his success. From the gremlin's actions, he was assured that he had succeeded.


Due to the inherent knowledge in Gremlin's mind, Gremlin was able to know how to wear the pants as intended. One must know that when the child got the goblins and hobgoblins to wear clothes, he had a hard time. This was one of the reasons he just opted to get loinclothes and a simple helmet to wear. This was because even if he ordered the goblins to wear a shirt, they couldn't do it. And his orders aren't precise enough to lead them to do it.


But since the gremlins have the right knowledge of how, a simple order can get them to do a complex task.


The child then focused once more on the gremlins. As of now, the creature was speaking some words to the group of goblins.


That's right, speaking. One must know that up until now, the goblins have been using grunts and actions to communicate.


It was not because they were dumb... Well, they are dumb, but the main reason is because the goblins don't originally have a proper language. Upon birth, no one taught them how to talk. Most of their accomplishments were done by the child with the assistance of their knowledge inheritance.


But this was unacceptable by the child's standards. Without proper communication, the goblins would be restricted in their knowledge sharing. And a proper society only kicks in when two beings are able to communicate clearly and come to some sort of agreement or status quo. From there, discoveries and developments can be shared. Making the whole species develop intellectually and not just physically.


So the child made a simple language and put it in Gremlin's inheritance. The language was very simple, so simple that it could be compared to the words uttered by a child. The language contained only simple words to describe emotions, objects, and intentions. Because of space constraints, the child wasn't able to fill in a whole and complete language. But as the Gremlins grow further, they should be able to develop the language themselves. Both the hobgoblins and goblins would also be taught. And the communication barrier would be broken.


But that was still far in the future, and the goblins didn't even have a basic knowledge of language. So the gremlin could only talk at the dumb walls called goblins.


After a while, the gremlins noticed that these supposed brothers of his were not so bright in the head. So instead, I just let them be and went to find something to eat. Although it was not hungry, it had the sensation of just putting something in its stomach. And as written in its head, it went towards the little puddle of luminous blue water. With a scoop, the gremlins drank some water and felt their stomachs fill.


But although the water did well in filling its stomach, it did not manage to fill its desire. The water tasted bland and was far from what it wanted.


This was, of course, due to the child's intention. A while ago, when he introduced the reward system when training the goblins, he changed the life water so that it was no longer as tasty as it was. After all, why would the goblins care about the fruity rewards when they can have the same tasty feeling as the life water?


That was why the gremlins felt unsatisfied with what they were drinking. It was not that it was hungry; it just wanted to eat something delicious.


So it searched in its head and wondered if it could taste good. And the answer to it came almost instantly.



