Chapter 26: wolf(3)


Below was a humanoid creature with a wolf head. It stood at a height of 0.7 meters. A hight that showed its juvenile identity. But although it was young, it had very sharp claws. These claws stuck out of a very hairy hand. A hand's capabilities were fully shown by the creature's older counterpart not far away.


As the hobgoblin failed to find a way to fight back the kiting strategy of the older kobold, the younger kobold watched with what the child believed to be reverence. It was hard to say, as the kobolds did not have human faces. What it was expressing could be an entirely different emotion.


But either way, the young kobold was distracted. Although its nose was sharp, it was not directional. So it could not just instantly sense what was near it. As for its ears, they were good, but a bit too weak compared to its nose.


As such, with all its senses unable to properly sense the world around it, the kobold failed to see the creature that stalked it from above.


On top of the tree, it slowly crept. It had green skin with large, beady yellow eyes. Its hands and feet were similar in length, making its movements along the tree branch stable. With the help of its tail to balance, the creature was able to move without worrying about falling.


It was, of course, a gremlin. The crafty little critter likes to take down prey many times bigger than itself.


With a height of only 0.5 meters, it seems that this time it has also put its target on another creature much larger than itself.


Within the gremlin's mouth was a small knife. likely about 10 centimeters in length. This was a knife that the child had created specifically for the gremlins. Their main use isn't to attack but instead to help set up traps.


Things like rope cutting and wood sharpening are mostly what this knife does. But because there were no traps the gremlins could use to their advantage, it seems like the knife will be used for something else today.


It did not take long for the gremlin to be aligned with the little kobold. It stood silently, as if it were just above its prey. And unlike a normal creature, the gremlin's heartbeat was as steady as ever. As if it were not preparing to do anything at all.


But that was, of course, not true. A few seconds later, the green gremlin fell from the tree branch. With the knife in hand, it fell directly towards the little kobold.


The young kobold was started, as something had suddenly dropped from the sky. But it was too late; the gremlins had already had a grip on it. And to deepen the grip, the gremlins opened their long mouths, revealing a row of sharp teeth.




The teeth sand deep into the furry neck of the kobold. And one must not be fooled by the gremlin's weak muscles and believe that its jaws are the same. unlike many parts of the goblin, the jaw muscles were not affected by this weird brawn physique.


The strength of these jaws was revealed. The moment the teeth gripped tightly on the poor kobold, the first thing it did was...




The kobold howled loudly. A bit similar to how a dog would be beaten. Only it's filled with more emotions of pain. There was no way of telling if it was because kobolds were more humanoid or because their necks hurt that much. But it howled painfully and loudly.


So the older Kobold, who heard the younger Kobold's howl, was terrified. It's attention was diverted at that moment, and the hobgoblin took the chance to sprint forward.


The hob-goblin raised its axe to the side to go for a decapitation strike. But the kobold was able to react in time. It temporarily returned its attention and focused on the opponent in front of it.


That's why the kobold was able to duck at the nick of time. But although it had dodged, the tree near it didn't. The axe cut into the wooden exterior and embedded itself deep within the tree. Seeing that the hobgoblin was stuck, the kobold raised its hands and attacked.


Blood spilled once more from the kobold. With the goblin's


This was the perfect chance to get rid of the green menace quickly. But at that moment...




And an even louder cry by the kobold was heard. The older kobold turned back, and what it saw made its heart stop just for a moment.


On top of the young kobold was a green-skinned creature that sank its teeth within the neck of the younger. With its arms and legs, the creature gripped the kobold tightly. Making it such that no matter how much it struggled, it could never get out of its hold.


But that was not what froze the kobold. It was instead the knife in the creature's hands that constantly stabbed the younger kobold as it tried to get it off its back. To get the little kobold down as fast as it could, the creature had specifically aimed at its neck. As such, the kobold's beautiful black fur was stained with deep red blood.




A louder and much more infuriated roar came from the older kobold's throat. Without another moment wasted, the kobold rushed towards the younger kobold, hoping that it still had a chance to save it.


But at that moment, the hobgoblin managed to pull out the axe from the tree. But there was no way the hobgoblin could catch up to it in time. So it followed what was ordered inconspicuously in its mind.


"Throw the axe."


As such, the axe was thrown. It flew directly at the moving kobold. But although the kobold was enraged, it was still conscious, so it dove and dodged the incoming attack.




The axe nailed itself to the ground. Seeing the enemy's attack fail, the kobold rushed even faster to the younger kobold. As long as it could reach the younger kobold, it would run immediately from this battle.


But before it could reach it, something else suddenly appeared in its vision. The signature green skin rang alarms within the kobold's head. It told itself to run away as fast as it could. But it was already too late; the assailant was already too close. And the spear had already impaled it...




The sound of the sharp spear driving through tough and hairy skin was heard. The spear went deep within the stomach of the kobold. Letting deep red blood fly out.


"This reinforcement technique is seriously overpowered against singular enemies."


The child watched as Kobold was ambushed and stabbed. Thus getting him two samples of a new species.

