Chapter 29: wolves(3)


With a single order, the gremlins climbed the nearest tree. Its nimble body and dim vision allowed it to get up the tree pretty quickly.


The hobgoblin, on the other hand, was not so quick. For one, it was confused as to why it was supposed to climb a tree. Because it could not see in the dark, it was unable to see the herd of boars that was not far away. As for the sounds the speaker was making, it was hard to focus on the sounds nearby when it was busy sweating like it just came out of a bath.


Plus, there was a group of kobolds on their back. Although they appreciated the stop, I believed they should get going as soon as possible.


"Come... up... come!"


The gremlins spoke in a hushed voice. Hearing the gremlin, the hobgoblin decided to trust the gremlin. It climbed the tree with a heavy load on its back. As for the spear, it was discarded for a much faster running speed.


While the hobgoblin was still climbing the tree, Gremlin teared a part of its own shots and wore it like a bandana on its face. With its face covered, the hob-goblin finally reached the gremlin.


When it reached the top, the gremlin reached into the bag's side pocket and took out a single dart.


This was no simple dart, though. Instead, it was a poison dart smeared with the venom of a poisonous snake. This venomous snake was the same snake that had bitten one of the goblins once a few weeks ago.


The child had tried to reproduce it but ended up failing. Using his death and water-type ether, the child was able to create a weak paralysis poison, but that was as far as he could get.


But since the snake venom was very useful, the child has used it on some occasions. As such, the snake venom became scarce since goblins wouldn't step on a snake every day.


As for paralysis, poison, although not as good as the snake venom, was good enough for the child. He was able to use them effectively against the horned rabbit. Once the paralysis poison is used, the horned rabbits will have a hard time being as nimble as they usually are. That was why, during the hunt earlier, the rabbit wasn't able to react so well to both the net trap and the spiked pit trap. Only it was able to notice due to its anger toward the goblins.


The snake venom, on the other hand, was not as good against the horned rabbits. The moment the rabbit is hit, it will feel the searing pain and ultimately run away. Even if the rabbit were to die in the end, it would still not end in the child's hands. Other predators in the forest will take the chance to capitalize.


But it seems like it was time to use the poison dart once more.


The hobgoblin watched as the gremlins did all these things; it had thought that they would hide here until the kobolds passed by. But it seemed like that was not what was on the gremlin's mind.


The gremlinn climbed on one of the branches and went further up the tree. Of course, the hobgoblin couldn't do the same, so it stood on top of the tree and wondered what was happening.


Soon, the gremlins reached where they wanted to reach. On the branch it stood, not far away was the herd of boars.


In Gremlin's hand was not the knife, which is usually used to set up traps, but the flute-like tube used to launch darts.


The gremlin took the dart in its hand and put it in the tube. In the dark night, hidden by the tree leaves, the gremlin hatched a plot.




Not too far from the two, their creatures chased in tow. Running on all fours with their teeth bared, the kobolds looked like terrifying hounds.


The sound of their growls and grunts sent shivers through the many woodland creatures living in the forest. Whichever hole they hid in, they did their best to scoot further inside.


Luckily for them, the kobolds weren't looking for them that night. They instead had vengeance in mind.


After running for a little while, the kobolds paused to check whether they were still on the right track. It didn't take long for them to find the discarded spear that still had the scent of their pack member. So with this new lead, the kobolds were sure that the enemy must be near.




But then, a sound that was all too familiar to the kobolds was heard. It was the sound of a boar's roar. But unlike the raging and terrifying sound that usually signals a stampede, this sound was more like a squeal of pain.


It was from this sound that the kobolds realized that boars may be nearby. The kobolds tensed up and were just about to look around warily, but it was too late.


The squealing boars' voice was heard getting closer. Before the three kobolds could run, the 1.3-meter-tall, brown-furred, and long-tasked boar appeared from the bushes.


In the dim light of the moon, it was hard to see the small dart hanging on the boar's thigh. But from the boar's horrid screech, it was clearly hurt by something.


The boar headed directly for one of the kobolds. It's menacing tasks pointed forward, ready to pierce any enemy in front of it. But the targeted wolf was all too familiar with how boars attack, so it managed to dodge in time. After missing, the boar did not stop; it continued charging forward crazily.


But that was, of course, not the end of it all. As a familiar and dreaded sound soon came to the kobold's sensitive ears,


It was the sound of multiple hooves hitting the ground. It didn't take long for the owner of these hooves to appear before the three kobolds. Charging with raging might, the whole herd of boars raged towards the tree kobolds.


The kobolds panicked. As this was not a single boar, dodging them would not be possible. So, left with no other choice, the three turned back and ran.


Filled with indignation, confusion, and anger, the kobold leader looked back. Maybe it was because of luck or the kobold leader's keen eye, but when it looked back, it saw the hobgoblin and gremlin duo descend from a tree.

