Chapter 33: Kobold

Nine kobolds kneeled on the ground. Their hands were too on the ground, with their heads lowered.

Among the nine, only two were injured. One had a possibly dislocated arm with a few broken ribs. While the other had a small chunk of its snout cut out. On its arm, there was jarring wound that came from one part to the next. Making an actual hole on the poor kobold's arm.

But although these wounds of it's body were terrifying, the kobold kneeled down just like the rest.

Among these nine kobolds, there was another that stood out among them. It was largely due to it having gray fur rather than the common brown and black, but it was also because it was the only one that did not bow its head too low.

Occasionally, the kobold looked up to see another kobold right in front of it. This kobold was gray furred just like the It. Only it was a tad bit bigger. Standings at a height of 1.7 meters.

"So, you are saying that you not only failed to avenge your brother, but couldn't retrieve the youngling's body?"

The kobold said angrily. All three kobold looked down in shame.

"There was nine of you and only six of them. How could you have failed like this? To such a small xreature even." The kobold standing in front the nine asked. As it said this, it took a glance at the green skinned goblin that laid unconsciously on the ground not far away.

"They had strange methods of attack. We failed due to lack of preparation and information."

After saying this, the kobold presented the spear and axe that was discarded by the hob-goblins and goblins as they made their escape.

"They used these items to combat. We do not know where they got them or what they truly are, But they are really strong."

The banged up kobold was proof enough of what was said. So the kobold hold on their failure too much. Maybe these creatures were as terrifying as they said.

"And, these creatures aren't just this big. There was two others who were almost as big as us. I believe this one was just a youngling."

The kobold in front did not say a word after that. It only went over and grabbed the spear. Because the kobolds only have two finger bones sticking out of their palms, having a good grip on the cylindrical spear was hard. But it nonetheless managed.

It touched the tip using its palm, only to feel the stinging pain of its palm bring pierced.

The kobold then went over to the dead one. It looked at the jarring injuries and then back at the items it held in its hands. The spear was obviously used to pierce the kobold, while the axe was use to decapitate it.

Seeing such injuries, the kobold was able to recognise the threat. It then went over towards the unconscious goblin.

Using the spear, the kobold stabbed into the goblin's arm.


The goblin woke up to the horrifying pain of its arm being stabbed.

The kobold through, did not seem to care. It seemed to be only fascinated with the weapon in its hand than anything else.

As up till now, the kobolds have never used weapons. The closest they could get to a weapon used by them would be the thrown rocks. But even they did not have as much lethality as the item it held in its hand.

It was not because the kobolds were stupid, but merely that they never needed to use weapons up until now. Most of their hunts only required speed and precise planning. And since they didn't have any prominent predators, there was no reason to find more efficient attack methods.

But it seems the arrival of the goblins has changed that.

The kobold started to worry. In one day, two of their own have died and three were injured. What have they to show that they have fought a battle? Only three younglings from the opponent!

Clearly, these creatures were an enemy. An enemy they could not ignore.

So, the kobold then and there made a decision.

"Gather the pack. A new enemy has entered our territory."

All the kobolds barked in response. They then left leaving the the larger kobold alone in the hut with the screaming goblin.

The kobold disregarded the goblin, and only focused on the two weapons in its hand. From what it had heard and seen, the goblin was really weak and will meets it end very soon. It's only use at the moment was to show the other pack members what the enemy looked like.

But little did it know that a far more dangerous threat bigger than a mere goblin listened from afar.

"I never would have thought that the goblins would let one of the goblins live. But this seems to work in my favour." The child still sighed though. "Sadly, it is too dark for the goblin to see. Otherwise I would have gotten a clearer vision of the opponent."

As for hearing, the child could not understand a thing of what the kobolds were saying. The most he could catch from them were a few grunts here and there.

As for information about the enemy, that was limited as well. The most he could understand is that the ground is more clearer than normal. Meaning that these kobolds at least have some level of architectural preference.

Plus, since he could not see the moon or the stars anywhere, The goblin must have been in some sort of building or at least a covering.

In the darkness, not much could be heard or seen by the goblin. Well, other than its own screams of pain. But, at that moment, something brought its scream to an abrupt stop. It felt itself get held by a large claw like hand. Even though it weighed a few kilograms, the goblin was pulled effortlessly.

As the child could feel everything the goblin could, he was at that time recording everything that could be felt from the goblin's senses.

After being tagged for some time, the goblin was then let go. Finally, the child saw a little bit of light entering the goblins eyes. Such little light could barely be of use to see in the dark, but for the child, it was enough. Using his superior mind, he recorded every bit of light that came to the goblins eyes. With It, the child barely formed an unclear picture.

"Oh my..."

The child sighed. As what he saw was a little bit beyond his expectations. What he saw was a pack of more than 30 kobolds. Although he could not tell how many of them are combatants, he believed that taking down such a group will not be easy.


AN: Here's a picture of a hob-goblin in the comments.