Chapter 35: Preparation(2)

Whne it comes to technology in a war, one would instantly think of flight jets and tanks. But clearly, that wasn't anything that the child was thinking of. What he pictured ad technology was instead equipment.

In a war, equipment is one of the most important things. What each person in the army wears and what they have in their hands is crucial.

When two people of opposing camps meet in battle, the thing that decides victory of defeat is usually equipment. That is of course assuming that both people are or the same combat strength and have similar battle methods.

But even in cross species combat, equipment is very important. This can be easily seen from the battle between the kobold and hob-goblin. If the hobgoblin was without equipment and only fought head on, surely, it would have lost. As with merely a few attacks from either the kobold claw or the rock attack, the hobgoblin would die. It was not that kobolds are stronger than hob-goblins, it was only becaue the hobgoblin is a bad match against kobolds.

You would say that everything the kobold is superior in has a way of blocking everything the hobgoblin is superior in. Strength was countered with speed and strong resistance was countered with long distance true damage attacks.

But give them a few pieces of good equipment, than all the shortcoming against the kobolds would be countered. For instance, with armour and a shield, the long distance rock attacks would be useless. With a bow or a gun, being fast is useless. As with a single arrow or bullet, you're dead.

So when it comes to war, most of the time, it's a bad idea to combat someone with better equipment. Imagine holding a sword and somebody pulls out a gun, a normal gun but somebody pulls out a laser gun, a laser gun but the enemy pulls out a nuclear bomb.

As long as you have better equipment far surpassing the enemy, you have already won half the war. The child clearly has the advantage on this part. As although the kobolds can use rocks to attacks, that barely counts as anything since he could counter them.

In fact, the only reason the kobolds were able to counter the hobgoblin so much was because it was not wearing heavy armour. The armour the child provided the hob-goblins is mainly leather. The only metallic armour he gave the hob-goblins is the helmet.

He could have gotten a full body metal armour, but the load provided by the armour would be too much to the hobgoblin. With its already low stamina, adding weight on its body would deplete its energy much quicker.

"Of course I could solve this problem with three ways."

Firstly, he could give the Hob-goblins more endurance and stamina. But this wouod take time to try and research. And research would require third order energy and time. Which are both things he does not seem to have in excess right now.

Of course, he could try to train them to have more stamina, but since the stamina problem is 'genetic,' No amount of training could remove it.

The second method he could use is getting a steed. Back on earth, wars were well known for having horses and rides to move them foward. Be it a horse or a truck, each one could help preserve stamina for the goblins.

But since he does not have a single steed like organism he could spawn or a machine he could build, that would not he possible.

"That would leave me with the last method to do this. Making lighter armour."

Normally, making armour that is not only light but tough is very hard if not impossible. But with the help of a little magic, what is not possible?

"But even then, it would take a long time to finish. After all, my goal would be to create a metal that is not only strong but light as well. I am not even sure what ether types are even necessary to create such a product."

But it's the best way foward. So the child put making the metal on his to do list.

So with all that thought out, the individual defense part was planned out.

The only part that lacked was the attack.

It was clear from the earlier battles against the kobolds that the goblins are really weak when it comes to attack. Even more so when it comes to long ranged attacks.

Although their attacks were strong, they were a bit slow... Most of the attacks thrown by a hobgoblin could be easily dodged by a kobold without a problem. The only way he could guarantee consecutive hits is by getting to attack while the kobolds are distracted or when they are poisoned by his paralysis poison. Ultimately making their dodging skill off game.

But once the kobold is too far, hob-goblins have absolutely no way of landing an attack. And from the earlier battles, it seems that kobolds catch on pretty quick about that. And if the kobold's are as smart as he thinks of them, then they will spread this knowledge among temselves. So before he get in contact with more kobolds, the child needs to solve this.

"But how? I could get the hobgoblins bows and arrows, but they wouldn't know how to use them. Giving them to the gremlins would be a bad idea as they are far too small and weak to use them effectively... So should I give them to the goblins?"

From how he sees it, he goblins probably could probably use them, but he would need to remodel their inheritance knowledge. Thus implanting them with information and mock experience about the right way to use the bow right into their minds.

Problem is, if he does that, some inheritance knowledge might be deleted to make space for the bow using knowledge.

"Oh well, they should be useful as live arrow shooting turrets. At most, the gremlins will have to teach them some things about life. As long as I don't delete their knowledge of walking and eating, it should be fine."

But giving the goblins bows isn't really going to help with his field game. As archers who only know how to shoot well aren't that great for forest battles. What the child wants to use them for would be the dungeon defense. For should there ever be a time here the portal was discovered, he would not be helpless to long distance rock throws.

So when it comes to real battles far from the portal, what should he use to combat the kiting kobolds?

"Crossbows should work."
