Chapter 42: Wolf hunting

"Too bad, It fell into a trap too quickly, if only they waited a little longer, I could have gotten more of my goblins to group up."

The child lamented. As the moment the gremlins arrived at the scene, he had already seen the kobold. Although the gremlins may have missed It, the child did not.

That was why he let the hobgoblin and gremlins 'talk.' Which was complete nonsense since the two don't even speak the same language. All that 'talking' was meant to do was buy him time to get reinforcements. After all, with only the hobgoblin and the gremlins, there was no way he could take down a single kobold. So making the two act rashly would just get him to lose two of his most important pieces.

But the problem was that the two could not understand what he understood. So they were confused why they were standing there exchanging weird sounds. Even the gremlin that usually understand the child's plans was perplexed. As although the gremlins did get the kobold in its sight, it failed to actually see It.

So after a little while, the two decided to leave and go against the child's orders. Thus letting the kobold go fowards with them But since the kobold didn't have him to guide It, it fell into a trap instantly.

"I originally intended for it to fall into the trap later when there is more goblins gathered up."

But that was how life was, not all things go according to the plan. Sometimes, you just have to wing it.


The the order was given, the many goblins that were already lined up to ambush the kobold appeared. In their hands were shields and swords. In total, there was only about 5 goblins and three hobgoblins if you include the one that had just arrived. With the gremlins at the front and acting like their hunting dog, the group chased after the already bleeding kobold.

If the kobold was not at all injured, the child would not have tried to hunt the kobold. As after all, it has been proven before that kobolds are much faster than both the goblins and hob-goblins. The only one that had a chance in competing was the gremlin.

But since this kobold was hurt, the changes of catching grew much higher than before.

"I am not ready for a full on kobold attack. So I can't let this one get away."

So the goblins chased after the kobold until finally, it's silihuet could be seen from afar.

One of the goblins holding a bow suddenly stopped for a moment. It knocked its arrow within the bow and aimed up towards the sky.



Two arrows were fired in rapid succession. Both aimed at the running kobold.

With its still stabbed stomach, the kobold ignored the pain from it and ran as fast as it could. In its mind regret was running free, making it wonder with each step why it had to be so greedy.


Suddenly, an arrow stabbed into the tree nearby. Before the kobold could yelp in surprise or fear, another stabbed right besides it.


The kobold frightfully howled. The child heard the howl from the goblins' ears.

"Not good."

The kobold was clearly calling more of its own pack memembers. But the child was tied, he wanted to take the kobold down instantly, but he had no method to do that. Even though it was hurt and slowing down with each second, the kobold seemed like it could got on like this for another minute or two without being caught. The only way to get to it much faster would be to get it with an arrow.

But that was clearly not working so the child had no way to end the chase very quickly.

It was then at that moment when he was pondering if he could find another method to take it down, something else happen.


The kobold tripped and rolled. But as far as the child could see, that was no mere trip. As a bear trap the child found familiar could be seen on the kobold's left leg.

Getting him to see what had hut it so suddenly, the kobold was surprise to see the metallic jaws clenching on its foot. At that moment, the kobold made an instant decision, instead of trying to get itself free from the jaw hold, it decided to let it be and continue running.

But it was already too late. Lots of time had already been lost and the enemy had already taken advantage of the delay.


The kobold felt a now familiar sound very close to its ears. It was the sound of an arrow lodging itself past its flesh and getting deeper in its left shoulder.

Once the arrow hit, the kobold fell directly to the ground. But It was of course still alive, so it used its still working arm to claw foward.

Blood flowed from the wounded part of the kobold. As it pulled itself foward, the ground was coated in its crimson liquid.

As its crawling speed was not as good as the goblin's running speed, they reached it in no time. The group of goblins thus surrounded the dying enemy.

The kobold looked up fearfully. It was surrounded. It was going to be captured. In that ground as its blood started pooling, the kobold couldn't help but remember the goblin that was captured a few days ago. The creature was treated so cruelly. Would the same happen to It?

But at that moment, the gremlin heard them.

It was the sound of a group of animals charging in it's direction. And from the sound, the child reckoned it wasn't the boar herd passing by.

"It seems I was too late."

At that moment, one of the hob-goblins raised its axe and beheaded the kobold. Taking the head, the hobgoblin and all the other goblins started running.

"The roles have changed quite fast."

The child wondered though, even though the kobold was quick to announce itself attacked, the other kobolds shouldn't have gotten here so quick. Especially with so many of them. As from what the child has seen, the kobolds may be grouped up long before, but the kobolds don't always move in groups. So why now?

Well it didn't matter much at that point. As the kobolds were already coming and there was no way to avoid them. And it seems like this time, an actual clash would happen. Because unlike last time, the child could not just order the goblins to run.

This was becaue the kobolds already headed in his territory, meaning that the kobolds will now have a general direction of his portal. And with their strong noses, they are likey to find the direct location with just a few sniffs here and there.

So it would not be idea to sacrifice the current group of goblins for a secret that is soon to be exposed anyway.
