Chapter 49: Past echoes

The following day did not have much if any action. As the night completely passed with the kobolds doing absolutely nothing, the sun rose and ushered in a new day.

As the kobolds camped in the forest around the wall, the child could no longer send any goblins outside. Since without a doubt the kobolds will surely attack them. And with the goblin's current combat ability, they will lose.

So the child could only keep his goblins confined and restricted to a single place. But being the reproductive type of person he is, he could not let them go by lazing around. So he decided to get them to do some actual work.

Previously, the kobold alpha was able to climb on the wall only because the walls were not yet coated and complete. And as it seems like a battle is slowly brewing to come, the child saw it not a good idea to let the wall stay like that.

As if he was to complete and coat the walls, the child saw no way for the kobolds to actually climb the wall. The only way they could climb the wall is if they forced their way up with their claws. Which would be hard if not impossible with a barrage of arrows raining in.

So the child got all the builder goblins up and ready to finish up the wall. Which wasn't really much to begin with as the wall was almost complete already.

The goblin builders thus took their buckets and left the fort. The goblin builders tasted with the job were jittery and scared at first. As when they left the gate, they were barely able to see the silhouette of the kobolds hiding in the misty forest. And if they believed their eyes were deceiving them, the short and somewhat silent growls told them of the reality of these creatures.

But luckily, the kobolds never attacked a single soul that day. Even as the goblin builders started coating the walls with magical cement, not a single kobold stepped out of the forest to either intimidate or attack the goblins.

This put the goblins at ease. Letting them coat and smoothen the walls without a single problem. Still though, the existance of the kobolds was a great motivation. As the child saw no reason to put any protection on the builder goblins, he just ordered them to go out near butt naked to finish their job. Since if a kobold was to a attack them, the goblins having lighter weight would help them get faster to the gate before it closes or before they get chewed on by the kobolds.

As he we builder goblins were hard at work, the other goblin kind weren't sitting on their bums. They too had their work cut out for them

The hobgoblin in particular were ordered to lift a certain pile of logs and rocks and bring them towards the dungeon core.

Why you may ask?

It was of course to build weapons. These weapons were not one on one combat equipment, as those had long been built, although new for the new goblins are in order. What the child was making was crossbows.

Large crossbows built apecifically to combat large creatures. These were so large that a single bow could reach a length of 1.5 meters. These crossbows were being built and installed on not only the wall but on the ground as well.

Created besides these crossbow were the main weapons used, arrows. Or to be more exact, giant metal arrows. Arrows specifically made to be used by the giant crossbows.

Since the child had seen the giant wolf guardian appearing in his future vision, the child had decided to used larger weapons to take it down or fend it off.

But although the child was building these giant crossbows, he did not forget about the first and second order collision. The was why instead of making those machinery like and automatic crossbows, the child opted for a more simpler construct. In fact, the crossbows were so simple that you might as well call them giant bows on sticks. As the most advanced thing about these crossbows was how each bow was able to keep the bow string taunt as long as it was pulled to a certain lever.

Once pulled, the string would be hooked to a certain part of the bow. Once hooked, it will stay like that until the user would insert an arrow right in. After the arrow is inserted, the used only need to pull a certain lever not unlike a gun and the hook holding the string would sink, letting the taunt string to be pulled to its original position. Thus pulling the arrow with it and shooting it off in the distance.

Very simple and very effective. And since it was so simple, there would be no first and second order collision.

Sadly, because of how hard it is to faintly pull the bow string, only the hob-goblins could actually use the weapon. And since there's wasn't so many hob-goblins lying around, a lot of the bows could not be used manually. They could only stay taunt and be used as traps.

Which the child had ordered the gremlins to set up in high amounts. As he does not at all believe he could keep the kobolds out. Since the kobolds already know where he actually is, the child don't believe he could keep them out with just the wall and a few bows pointed their way. Even more so now that the kobolds have a guardian coming to help.

So he set up traps inside for indoor battle as well. Since the goblins sleep in the portal anyway, the traps wouldn't really hinder much.

Whilst the goblins were too long to complete his orders, the child was faced with a decision in the middle of the day.

"According to the vision of the future, a battle is likely to happen in the next week or two. If so, how should i distribute my energy use within the coming week?"
